SB 1.4.13 (1962)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 13
Tat sarvam nah samachakshwa pristo yadiha kinchana Manye twam vishaye vacham snatam anyatra chhandasat
Tat—that, Sarvam—all, Nah—unto us, Samchakshwa—clearly explain, Pristo—questioned, Yadiha—herein, Kinchna—all that, Manye—we think, Twam—yourself, Vishaye—in all subjects, Vacham—meanings of words, Snatam—fully acquainted, Anyatra—except, Chhandasat—portion of the Vedas.
We know that you are expert in the meaning of all subjects except some portions of the Vedas and as such you can clearly explain all answers for all questions that we have made herein unto you.
The difference between the Vedas and the Puranas is like that of the Brahmins and the Paribrajkas. The Brahmins are meant for ministering some fruitive sacrifices mentioned in the Vedas but the-Parivrjakacharyas or the learned preachers are meant for disseminating transcendental knowledge to one and all in the general way. As such the Paribrajakacharyas are not always expert in pronouncing the Vedic Mantras which are practised systematically in terms of accent and meter by the Brahmins who are meant for ministering Vedic rites. And for that reason it should not be considered that the Brahmins are more important than the itinarary preachers. They are one and different simultaneously because they are meant for the same end in different ways.
There is no difference also between the Vedic mantras and the same explained in the Puranas and Itihasa. According to Srila Jiva Goswami it is mentioned in the Madhyandin Sruti that all the Vedas namely the Sama, Athrva, Rig, Yaju, Puranas, Itihasas, Upanishad etc. all are emanations from the breathing of the Supreme Being. The only difference is that the Vedic mantras are mostly begun with Pranava 'Omkar and it requires some training to practise the metric accent without which the mantras are not successfully pronounced. Srila Suta Goswami was a preacher of the first order although he did not bother much about practising the metric pronounciation of the Vedic Mantras. But that does not mean Srimad Bhagwat was of less importance than the Vedic Mantras. On the other hand it is the ripen fruit of all the Vedas as it has been explained hereinbefore. Besides that the most perfect liberated soul Srila Sukdev Goswami is absorbed in the Studies of the Bhagwatam although He is already a self realised soul. Srila Suta Goswami is following the foot prints of the Same liberated soul and therefore his position is not the least less important because he was not expert in chanting Vedic mantras with systematic metric pronounciation which depends more on the practice of the chanter than actual realisation. Realisation is more important than parrot like chanting.