SB 1.14.39 (1965)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 39
Kacchit te anamayam tata bhrasta teja vibhasi me Alabdhamano avajnatah kim va tata chirositah.
Kacchit—whether, Te—your, Anamayam—health is alright, Tata—my dear brother, Bhrasta—bereft of, Teja—lusture, Vihbasi—appear, Me—to me, Alabdhamano—without any respect, Avajnatah—neglected, Kim—whether, Va—or, Tata—my dear brother, Chirosito—on account of long residence.
My brother Arjuna please tell me if you are alright by your health? You appear to me lost of bodily lusture. Whether it is due to your disrespect or negligence by others due to your long stay at Dwarka?
From all angles of vision Maharaj enquired from Arjuna about the welfare of Dwarka but he concluded at last that so long the Lord Sri Krishna Himself is there, nothing inauspicious could happen there. But at the same time Arjuna appeared to be bereft of his bodily lusture and thus he enquired about his personal welfare and asked so many vital questions.