SB 1.1.16 (1962)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 16
Ko ba bhagwatha tasya punya slokedya karmanah uddhikamo na srinuad jashah kali malapaham.
Ko—who, Ba—rather, Bhagawatah—of the Lord, Tasya—his, Punya—virtuous, Slokedya—worshipable by prayers, Karmanah—deeds, Suddhikamo—desiring deliverance from all sins, Na—not, Srinuad—does hear, Jashah—glories, Kali—of the age of quarrel, Malapaham—the agent for sanctification.
Who is there not willing to take to the business of hearing the virtuous glories of the Lord if he at all desires to get deliverance from all vices in this age of quarrel.
This age of Kali is the most condemned age on account of its quarrelsome features. The age of Kali is so much saturated with vicious habits of the fallen people that on a slight misunderstanding there is great fight. Persons who are engaged in the pure devotional service of the Lord without any desire for self aggrandisement and freed from the effects of fruitive actions and dry philosophical speculations, can only get out of the estrangements of the complicated age. The leaders of the people are very much anxious to live in peace and friendship but they have no information of the simple method of hearing the glories of the Lord. On the contrary, such leaders of the people are against the process of ventilating the glories of the Lord. Or in other words the foolish leaders want to deny completely the very existence of the Lord. In the name of secular state such foolish leaders are enacting various plans every year but by the insurmountable intricacies of the material energy of the Lord, all such plans and progress are being continuously frustrated. But they have no eyes to see to such failure in the attempt of peace and friendliness. Here is the hint to get out of the hurdle. If we want actual peace and life in friendliness, we must open the road to understand the Supreme Lord Krishna and glorify Him for His virtuous activities as they are depicted in the pages of the Srimad Bhagwatam.