SB 1.1.13 (1962)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 13
Tat nah sushrusamananam arhasi anga anuvarnitum Yasya avatarah bhutanam kshemaya cha bhavaya cha.
Tat—those, nah—unto us, shushrushamanam—those who are endeavouring for, aharasi—ought to do it, anga—oh Suta Goswami, anuvarnitum—to explain by following the footprints of previous Acharyas, yasya—whose, avataram—incarnation, bhutanam—of the living beings, kshemaya—for good, bhavaya—upliftment, cha—and.
Oh Suta Goswami, you ought to explain us, who are endevouring for knowing it eagerly, the topic about the Personality of Godhead and His incarnations as they were done by the previous Acharyas,—because such description and hearing both are for the good and upliftment of living being.
The conditions for hearing the transcendental message of the Absolute Truth is fulfilled herewith. The first condition is that the audience must be very sincere and eager for hearing and the speaker must be in the line of disciplic succession from the recognised Acharya. The transcendental message of the Absolute is not understandable by materially absorbed instruments of the senses. They are gradually purified under the direction of a bonafide spiritual master. Therefore, one must be in the chain of disciplic succession and learn the spiritual art of submissive hearing. In this context of dealings between Suta Goswami and the sages of the Naimisharanya all the conditions are fulfilled; because Srila Suta Goswami is in the line of Srila Vyasadeva and the sages of the Naimisharanya are all sincere audience to get it from the line of Acharya. As such the transcendental topics on the subject matter of Lord Sri Krishna's superhuman activities, His incarnation, His birth, appearance or disappearance, His forms, His Names etc. all are easily understandable on fulfilling the above conditions. And such transactions of hearing and speaking help all men in spiritual realisation which is all round good for every one's upliftment.