760917 - Conversation - Vrndavana
(Redirected from Room Conversation -- September 17, 1976, Vrndavana)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Prabhupāda: . . . one horse within the mouth—that is God. One hill. One Pūtanā, sucking the breast, her life goes. That is God. Why shall I take some cheap God? We are not so foolish. Here is the . . . so many great saintly persons hearing about God. Śṛṇvatāṁ sva-kathāḥ kṛṣṇaḥ puṇya-śravaṇa-kīrtanaḥ (SB 1.2.17). They are fools, hearing about Kṛṣṇa? Such great, great personalities? And Śukadeva Gosvāmī is speaking. Are they fools? All of them fools? One, two may be fool. They were wholesale fools? All the great personalities, they're all fools? Asita, Devala, Vyāsa, Nārada—all big personalities—Rāmānujācārya, Madhvācārya, Caitanya Mahāprabhu—they're all fools? I may be fool. They are not fools. Mahājano yena gataḥ sa panthāḥ (CC Madhya 17.186). Why shall I accept a rascal God? Varīyān eṣa te praśnaḥ (SB 2.1.1). "Oh, you want to hear about Kṛṣṇa?" Varīyān eṣa te praśnaḥ. Śukadeva was praising: "Oh, glorious, you have taken . . . yes." Here is God. Breathing, and innumerable universes are coming. Here is God. Sleeping and breathing is not unnatural. He is also—nityo nityānāṁ cetanaḥ (Kaṭha Upaniṣad 2.2.13)—like us. But like not us. He can breathe and . . . that is the difference. Breathing is common. I breathe, He breathes. That's all right. But His breathing, my breathing is not the same breathing. He eats; I eat. That's all right. But when He eats, Mother Yaśodā sees all the universes are within Him.
They cannot understand this. That we are equal, that's all right, but there is difference. So far I am a living being, He's also a living being, but He's supreme living being. How? Because I breathe, some dust comes and goes out, and when He breathes some universes come out. This is the difference. So because He is breathing and I am breathing, therefore equal? No. Paśyaty acakṣuḥ. He sees, but not like us. Kṣetra-jñaṁ cāpi māṁ viddhi sarva-kṣetreṣu bhārata (BG 13.3). He's seeing every particular thing, anywhere. Kṣetra-jñaṁ cāpi māṁ viddhi sarva-kṣetreṣu. I can see within my limit, or I can feel pains and pleasure within my . . . but He knows everything, everywhere. Sarva-kṣetreṣu. And because I cannot become like Him, therefore Māyāvādīs say kalpana, "This is imagination." He wants to make God like himself, and he wants to become like God. Therefore all description about God he thinks imagination, kalpana. Kalpana. Dr. Frog. Huh? "More than this water, the . . .? How it is possible? Atlantic Ocean, very, very big. What is that big? Maybe four feet, five?" Yes. Otherwise kalpana. It it is not within his "feet" estimation, then he's kalpana, imagination. This is their knowledge. I can think of three feet, four feet, five feet, ten feet, hundred feet—like that. And when I'm informed, "No, no, it is unlimited feet." "Ah, this is kalpana." This is going on.
So, what other news? I have to send one letter to the governor. (break) Sūtyām abhijāta-kovidāḥ. Yathā hi sūtyām abhijāta-kovidāḥ samādiśan vipra mahad-guṇas tathā (SB 1.16.1). Where this class of literature is now? Yathā sūtyā, in the maternity home or maternity room, sūtyā. Abhijāta-kovidāḥ, the astrologers who can estimate the newly born child's destiny. Whatever they predicted, according to them, yathā hi sūtyām abhijāta-kovidāḥ samādiśan. They said that, "This child will be like this"—exactly he became. Parīkṣid dvija-varya-śikṣayā, and being trained up by first-class brāhmaṇas, and the child came perfectly the king. Where is that king?
Hari-śauri: There're no kings.
Prabhupāda: Where is that president? They're all drunkards, woman-hunters, meat-eaters. Exactly according to prediction he became a young man, and he was entrusted with kingdom, "Now you rule." (sings verse)
- tataḥ parīkṣid dvija-varya-śikṣayā
- mahīṁ mahā-bhāgavataḥ śaśāsa ha
- yathā hi sūtyām abhijāta-kovidāḥ
- samādiśan vipra mahad-guṇas tathā
- (SB 1.16.1)
Each verse is a song. I wanted our students should do that.
Hari-śauri: To learn how to sing them nicely. To learn how to sing them?
Prabhupāda: Yes. I can give them the tune. (Sanskrit) (break) . . . ghnantaṁ go-mithunaṁ padā. This is Kali-yuga's king. Nṛpa-liṅga: dressed like king. Nṛpa-liṅga-dharam, but śūdra. Nṛpa-liṅga-dharaṁ śūdraṁ ghnantaṁ go-mithunaṁ padā (SB 1.16.4). Very expert in cow killing.
Hari-śauri: That's a very accurate prediction.
Prabhupāda: Third-class, fourth-class men, dressed like president and king. Business: plunder money from the citizens and kill cow.
Prabhupāda: Nineteen sixty-five, 17 September, I landed at Boston.
Hari-śauri: You've done a lot of things since then. (laughs)
Devotee: Changed the world.
Prabhupāda: Much water has gone down.
Hari-śauri: (indistinct exchange with another devotee) (end)
- 1976 - Conversations
- 1976 - Lectures and Conversations
- 1976 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- 1976-09 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- Conversations - India
- Conversations - India, Vrndavana
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India, Vrndavana
- 1976 - New Audio - Released in November 2013
- Audio Files 10.01 to 20.00 Minutes