711228 - Letter to Yogesvara written from Bombay
(Redirected from Letter to Yogesvara -- Bombay 28 December, 1971)
Tridandi Goswami
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Date: December 28, 1971
Camp: ISKCON Bombay
My dear Yogeswara,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge your letter of 17 December, 1971, along with copies of your advertising work, slides, and Dutch BTG. I am very pleased to see that the foreign literature is being produced nicely under your enthusiastic supervision. Just try to increase more and more our output of such books and magazines in many languages--otherwise how will preaching go on in these places? Though we have been settled in European countries for many years now, only now you are printing the first book in French language, and there is only one book done in German language. So the record has not been good, therefore our preaching work in these countries has not been going very well, and I think now things are not going too well in France and Germany centers. So if somehow or other you can produce profuse books for these places, spend your all time translating, organizing, printing and distributing such books in foreign languages, then I think you will be able to improve the situation there. If there are amply books, everything else will succeed. Practically our Society is built on books. One book is not very impressive. Still, a blind uncle is better than no uncle at all, so it is very nice that one book has appeared, and that BTG is appearing at least several issues in other languages. But now try to produce at least four or five new books per year in several languages, plus regularly BTG every month. That will be your success. You are very sincere and hard-working boy--now just take good direction from your senior godbrothers and apply yourself fully to this very great responsibility of producing numerous books in foreign languages.
I don't think there is need to divert your attention by producing advertising. I have seen your advertisements as shown to me by Shyamasundar, and I think you have made the thing less important. This kind of ad is not good, it is not grave. Our process is to show Krishna Consciousness as it is, not as others want to see it. By showing KC in this way, you are making the thing less important. It is not that we should change to accommodate the public, but that we should change the public to accommodate us. Better you devote your full time to one thing only, not many things. That way your enthusiasm and talents will have big effect by being concentrated. Therefore, kindly concentrate for producing books and magazines in European languages, as many as possible, and make this your life work. These books are the best advertising, they are better than advertising. If we simply present Krishna Consciousness in a serious and attractive way, without need to resort to fashionable slogans or tricks, that is sufficient. Our unique asset is our purity. No one any where can match it. That will be noticed eventually and appreciated, as long as we do not diminish or neglect the highest standard of purity in performing our routine work, not that we require to display or announce ourselves in very clever ways to get attention. No, our pure standard is enough. Let us stand on that basis.
I hope this will meet you in good health and lively mood.
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Yogeswara Das Adhikary
- 1971 - Letters
- 1971 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- 1971-12 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- Letters Written from - India
- Letters Written from - India, Bombay
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India, Bombay
- Yogesvara - Letters
- 1971 - Letters with Scans of the Originals
- 1971 - Letters with Scans of the Originals - checked
- Letters - Signed, 1971