760630 - Letter to Vasudeva written from New Vrindaban, USA
(Redirected from Letter to Vasudeva -- New Vrindaban 30 June, 1976)
340 W. 55th. St.,
New York 10019, U.S.A.
June 30, 76
Vasudeva das Adhikari,
(Mr. Deoji Punja),
P.O. Box 125,
Lautoka, Fiji Island
My dear Vasudeva dasa,
Please accept my blessings. In connection with our ISKCON project in Fiji, I beg to inform you that we are managing our Krishna Consciousness Movement by the Governing Body Commission, G.B.C. We have got about 20 G.B.C.'s looking after the whole world affair, and above the G.B.C. I am there. Below the G.B.C. there are the temple president, secretary, treasurer in every centre. So the temple president is responsible to the G.B.C. and the G.B.C. is responsible to me. In this way we are managing. But why are you proposing a separate trustee for Fiji. We have up to now no separate trustee. If this is for security purposes, that we can discuss.
If you have got some new idea please explain to me how you want to manage. But I think Fiji Temple cannot be managed in a separate way. But still I will entertain some idea if you have difference you can write me explaining.
The deed for the property and temple should be made in favor of "His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad, founder-acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness." It cannot be dedicated to any of the office bearers. So I suggest that you become the president of the temple and Upendra become the secretary, and either your brother or your wife can become treasurer. There is no need of trustees.
But in any circumstance the temple can't be a private property in the name of ISKCON. If you want to keep it a private property then the ISKCON name should not be utilized.
I am very much anxious to get your clear reply to this thing. So many things are unclear, so let it be cleared up. I would like you to send me a copy of the deed to New York address along with your reply.
I hope that this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
cc: Upendra [handwritten]
- 1976 - Letters
- 1976 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- 1976-06 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- Letters Written from - USA
- Letters Written from - USA, New Vrindaban
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - USA
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - USA, New Vrindaban
- Vasudeva 02 - Letters
- 1976 - Letters with Scans of the Originals
- 1976 - Letters with Scans of the Originals - checked
- Letters - Signed, 1976