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690902 - Letter to Mukunda written from Hamburg

Letter to Mukunda

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
2 Hamburg 19, Eppendorfer Weg 11
West Germany

August 2nd, 1969

My Dear Mukunda,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 1st, 1969. If Mr. Lennon contributes his place as described by you, then we shall turn it into a place of Divine Culture which the younger generation needs so badly. And if the Archbishop of Canterbury gives us one, two, three, four, up to the point of all the redundant churches, I shall turn them all into great places of worship of all kinds of men. If so desired, we can worship the picture of Lord Jesus Christ who we admit as the son of Godhead. We worship all worthy sons and servants of God, but we kick on the face of all rascals who claim to have become God so cheaply to mislead many innocent persons.

Sometimes back I sent you one letter addressed to the Archbishop of Canterbury, but I have not heard anything from you. Was that letter presented to his holiness or not? Please enlighten me in this connection. Please persuade George to see the archbishop as early as possible.

Regarding my visiting London, I am prepared to go there as soon as you call me. Hope you are all well.

Your ever well-wisher,


A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami