760402 - Letter to Mr. Dhawan written from Vrndavana
(Redirected from Letter to Mr. Dhawan -- Vrindaban 2 April, 1976)
- Krishna Balaram Mandir,
- Chattikara Road. Ramen Reti,
- Vrindaban, Dist. Mathura, U.P.
2 April, 1976
Mr. Ar. Dhawan
Sunenri Dham
Mohalla Dehra,
Manimajra, Chandigarh
Dear Sir,
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your kind invitation dated Chandigarh, 19-3-76, addressed to my Bombay address. I am very glad to learn that you are endeavouring to understand the prime goal of life, without which the facility of human life becomes futile. I have just come back from Delhi yesterday and I'm preparing for going to Australia by the 10th April, therefore, I am very sorry that I must inform you I will not be able to attend the function, however, I am sending herewith the answers to your questions, as far as I know. As we have received this knowledge from the greatest authority, Krishna, these answers will be acceptable in every sphere of spiritual activity.
First question: What is the true aim of human life?
Answer: The real aim of life is to go back to Home, back to Godhead. We all living entities in different forms of body numbering 8,400,000 forms beginning from the aquatics up to the best advanced form of human life, there is a regular evolution by the laws of nature. The real fact is that we living entities although part and parcel of God, on account of our own disobedience have come down to this material world under different circumstances. We have different types of material dresses to fulfill the tendency for sense gratification, and this by the laws of nature, by association with the 3 modes of material nature. We are transmigrating through different forms of life. So this human form of life is given to us as an opportunity to understand our position because in the human form of life we have more developed consciousness than the lower forms of life like the aquatics, insects, plants, birds, beasts and the civilized and uncivilized human beings. So the point is that a human being must know the aim of life is to go back to Home, back to Godhead.
Question #2: Which is the exact path to attain this aim?
Answer: God is great and we are all subordinate to God. In other words, God is the Supreme Master and we are all living entities, servants of God. Therefore, the path which teaches this fact, that a living entity is eternal servant of God, that is the only single path which leads one back to Home, back to Godhead.
Question #3: How many leaders have actually achieved this aim?
Answer: This aim is a fact, and the path is a fact, and anyone who takes this path, he can achieve the goal. According to our authorities who have achieved this goal, there are many, many acaryas. In the recent years, within 1500 years, the following acaryas are actually leaders of this goal of life. They are Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu svami, and Nimbarka, and latest within the last 500 years is Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There are many such leaders who have achieved the goal of life and if you want to follow them, the path is very clearly mentioned.
Question #4: why all the present religions and spiritual systems came into existence, contradicting each other when humanity is meant to follow only one religion?
Answer: Religious system means the law given by God. In every system of religion the order is to follow the instruction given by God or His representative. Unfortunately, the so-called followers deviate from the orders of the master and sometimes create their own concocted religious system. Otherwise, there can't be different religions. We therefore accept only one religion which teaches one how to love God. Any religious system which doesn't teach this, how to love God is not religion, but is cheating system. The conditioned souls who have come to this world on account of forgetfulness of his eternal relationship with God is prone to be cheated, but a person who is sincere is not cheated, but he takes up the path which leads one to the perfection of life, how to love God. The present religious and spiritual systems in varieties come into existence on account of imperfect leaders who defied the authority of God. My suggestion is therefore that the leaders who actually agree as eternal servant of God may sit together and find out the ways and means of one religious system in this world. God is one. There cannot be many gods, otherwise there is no meaning of God. In the English dictionary, you find that God means the "Supreme Being." There are unlimited number of living beings, but God is one Supreme Being. Supreme Being must be one. Nobody can be equal to Him, and nobody can be greater than Him, otherwise there is no meaning of God. At the present moment it has become a fashion to become God very cheaply, therefore, such system being very cheap and not authorized, there are so many religious systems. Otherwise, God is one, all living entities are His eternal servants, and therefore, the real religious system is to learn how to serve God.
Question #5: What has Hasur Mohammed Sahib said about 14th Century and why?
Answer: I have not sufficient information about the instruction of Hazur Mohammed Sahib, but if you mean Mohammed, the inaugurator of Islam religion, I accept him as empowered servant of God because he preached God consciousness in those parts of the world and induced them to accept the authority of God. He is accepted as the servant of God and we have all respect for him. I do not know what he has said about the 14th Century, therefore, I cannot answer this point. You are mentioning the Holy Names of Nanak, Krishna, Kabir, Christ, Mohammed, etc. Out of all of these names we accept Krishna as the Lord and all others representative servant of God, Krishna. In the English dictionary, it is said God is the Supreme Being, and when Krishna appeared on this earth He proved to be the Supreme Being in all respects. We are spreading this Krishna Consciousness Movement all over the world and if all the leaders would accept this philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, then I am sure that the world would be fortunate to follow one type of religion, and accept one God without any faulty conviction.
I thank you once more for your invitation and I regret very much that I will not be able to attend but it will be a great pleasure for me if the leaders of the conference will like to correspond with me regarding our conclusions as above mentioned.
Thanking you once more,
Yours faithfully,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
K.C.authorized [handwritten]
- 1976 - Letters
- 1976 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- 1976-04 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- Letters Written from - India
- Letters Written from - India, Vrndavana
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India, Vrndavana
- Letters to Inquisitive People
- 1976 - Letters with Scans of the Originals
- 1976 - Letters with Scans of the Originals - checked
- Letters - Signed, 1976
- Letters - With Added Handwriting