721219 - Letter to Gurudasa and Yamuna written from Bombay
(Redirected from Letter to Gurudasa, Yamuna -- Bombay 19 December, 1972)
Tridandi Goswami
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Date: December 19, 1972
Camp: A-11 Sea Face Park, 50-b Warden Road, Bombay-26.
My dear Gurudas and Yamuna,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your several letters dated November 30 and December 12, 1972, and I have noted the contents with care. I am most pleased to learn from you that the work in Vrindaban is going on very nicely, and that you are both happy in Krishna Consciousness. That is the main thing. Of course I know that you are not trained-up for being construction manager, neither that job must be very much tasteful to you, but because you are sincere devotees of Krishna He is giving you all strength and intelligence how to do it. That is wanted, that is advancement in Krishna Consciousness. Not that I must have a very nice place, I must serve like this or like that, otherwise I shall go away. No, Vaisnava devotee means give me simply a place to lay down, little prasadam, whatever little service you have got please give me, that's all. Thank you very much for taking up this difficult work to help me in this way.
Now you are requesting money for supplies, that's all right, but I have not seen the accounts for the money you have spent to date. That you should also supply. But I think Mr. Sarkar is inspired to cooperate with us, and he is very expert, so I do not worry on that account. But record of expenditures must be there, that is standard procedure. I was informed that the party of Yasodanandan and Mahamsa will forward all collections to Vrindaban, but I do not know if they have done it. Mahamsa is coming to Bombay in a few days time and I shall request him to do immediately. We have completed our pandal programme of Hare Krishna Festival in Ahmedabad and it was very, very successful. On the last night the huge pandal was filled completely, at least 10,000 or 15,000 attendance. So far Yasodanandan's party, I have just got one letter from them and they shall remain at the following address for one month more:
In Mayapur they are also requiring about Rs. 50,000 monthly for the work, and for that they are managing with travelling party and temple collection of Calcutta. So you collect from Delhi and spend, and for the rest these other parties will send. I have got report that Yasodanandan has collected more than Rs. 20,000 for Vrindaban, so you have not to worry about anything. But you must keep accurate accounts how it is spent and send me. So far Saurabha is concerned, I have left him at Hyderabad to design our temple there on the land donated for that purpose in the busiest marketplace of central Hyderabad city. But if you invite him to come there from time to time, I have no objection.
If you can finish the work by Janmastami next, that will be a very great credit for you, and I shall come there from any part of the world just to install the deity. But now you must work very, very hard to make good your promise to me, otherwise I shall be very disappointed and become very, very angry upon you. You may purchase deity from Mayapur-Vrindaban Trust Fund, about that I shall inform you later. One thing is, I have received report that Tejiyas is having difficulty in Delhi because no men are there to assist him. Delhi is the cultural capital of India, but we have not yet done very much to develop in Delhi. Tejiyas is very sincere and hard-working boy, so we must encourage him. So I have asked Tamal Krishna and Shyamsundar to find some men to go there, and they will do the needful. There are so many intelligent boys and girls in Delhi, that I have marked, and I think there is more potential there than other places in India, so if you and Yamuna go to Delhi from time to time to help Tejiyas with the preaching work, especially preaching to the student class of young persons, that will be nice. If there is shortage of men, we must recruit some men, first-class men, to help us do the work. If that is attempted sincerely, this preaching work, Krishna will provide men to help us. Krishna does not like to see His men suffer or become frustrated and depressed on His behalf, no. If we remain always faithful to Him, working very hard despite all difficulties, very quickly you will meet Krishna face-to-face, you may know it for certain.
Another thing is, I have heard there is no more CCP for getting our books. But now we are holding a huge pandal festival in the Cross Maidan at Bombay, from January 12th to 21st, so we shall need to take our BTG shipment from the Bombay docks, but they will not allow without CCP. So I hope by now you have got it, and if not, try for it immediately, treat it as urgent matter. And if Yamuna wants to come for that Festival here, she may come here for a few days to lead kirtan before my lectures, then return. But I think that Gurudas may have to stay for the work, or if there is opportunity, he may also come, but the work must not be jeopardized. Hoping this meets you both in good health. Your ever well-wisher,
Gurudas Adhikary
c/o ISKCON Camp
Raman Reti
(Dist. Mathura) U.P. [handwritten]
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
A - 11 Sea Face Park,
50 Warden Road
Bombay - 26 [handwritten]
- 1972 - Letters
- 1972 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- 1972-12 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- Letters Written from - India
- Letters Written from - India, Bombay
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India, Bombay
- Gurudasa - Letters
- Yamuna dasi - Letters
- Letters to Married Couples
- 1972 - Letters with Scans of the Originals
- 1972 - Letters with Scans of the Originals - checked
- Letters - Signed, 1972
- Letters - With Added Handwriting