680707 - Letter to Dayananda written from Montreal
(Redirected from Letter to Dayananda -- Montreal 7 July, 1968)

Tridandi Goswami
AC Bhaktivedanta Swami
Acharya: International Society For Krishna Consciousness
3720 Park Avenue
Montreal Quebec Canada
DATED July...7,..................1968..
My Dear Dayananda,
Please accept my blessings, and offer the same to Srimati Nandarani, and to your daughter. I hope you are all well in Krishna Consciousness. And I am so glad to learn that Krishna is endowing you with more and more intelligence in the matter of understanding Krishna Consciousness. Krishna is very kind and any sincere devotee is always taken care of by His Lordship in all respects. Please regularly chant Hare Krishna, read Srimad Bhagavatam, and very soon you will get other books also, like Bhagavad Gita As It Is, Teachings of Lord Chaitanya, and always read and talk about Krishna between yourselves, and always remember that this life is but a flash only. We have to seek after our eternal life in Krishna Consciousness and be transferred to the spiritual world in the association of Krishna. Continue to keep your present attitude and certainly even within this life, you will be successful in attaining perfection of Krishna Consciousness.
Regarding Mr. John Fugate: This news is very encouraging. As we are spreading our Krishna Consciousness in your country, we need a center in Florida, and if Mr. Fugate cooperates with this movement, certainly he will be very much benefited. So you can keep him alive by correspondence and send him our books and literature to read. So the ten acres of land which Mr. John Fugate wants to utilize for some spiritual cultivation center can well be utilized in developing a New Vrindaban. In San Francisco, they are developing a New Jagannatha Puri and in Florida we shall develop a New Vrindaban, and it may be that Montreal can be developed into New Mayapur (The Birthplace of Lord Chaitanya).
So far I am concerned, I wish to live the major portion of my remaining days of my life in the Western world to propagate this movement, but I could not obtain my permanent visa on some technical ground. Some lawyers advised me to appeal but I did not like the idea. Here in Canada, I may get a permanent visa but the difficulty is that during the winter the severe cold here may be unbearable for me or for my attendants. The male attendant, Gourasundar, may agree, but the female attendant, Mrs. Gourasundar, is not agreeable. Anyway--apart from this point of view, it is sure that I personally cannot tolerate the severe cold here. Under the circumstances, if some arrangement is made in Florida, then during the winter season, we can work there, and as you have said that many tourists and well-to-do men assemble there, it will be a good opportunity for preaching Krishna Consciousness at that time. Another point is that I would have preferred to have permanent residence visa in USA rather than in Canada, and I have heard that if somebody adopts me as a child or something else, I can get the permanent visa. But if you adopt me as your old child, probably the visa department will laugh, that what you will do with an old child who is going to die very soon. But, if there is possibility to adopt me as old father, then you can try for it. If there is any law that you can adopt any old man as your father, and take care of him, then you can inquire from the Los Angeles immigration department and try for it.
Thanking you once more for your nice sentiments expressed in your letter under reply, and hoping you are all well.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
N.B. Please deliver the enclosed letter to Anniruddha das.
Dayananda das Adhikary
1537 Meadowbrook Avenue
Los Angeles, Cal. 90019
- 1968 - Letters
- 1968 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- 1968-07 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- Letters Written from - Canada
- Letters Written from - Canada, Montreal
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - Canada
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - Canada, Montreal
- Dayananda - Letters
- 1968 - Letters with Scans of the Originals
- 1968 - Letters with Scans of the Originals - checked
- Letters - Signed, 1968