670822 - Letter to Brahmananda written from Vrndavana
(Redirected from Letter to Brahmananda -- Vrindaban 22 August, 1967)
(Note from Kirtanananda)
22 August 1967
My Dear Brahmananda,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 8/15/67, as well as the one to Kirtanananda. It is very good news for me that you are going to have $5300 very soon, and I thank you very much for offering the entire amount to me. I think the whole amount should be utilized for further publication of my books. I am very much anxious to know if any arrangement has been made with MacMillan. If not, then either we have to print the books here in India or in Japan. Please therefore let me know what is the fate of the contract. I am also anxious to know if you saw personally the Ambassador Mr. B.K. Nehru with my books. These things are very important for our future. Regarding my health, everyone says that I am much improved, and I also feel that way, except that I'm not in normal condition of movement, but the doctor says that that is mainly due to the heat, not my heart. So far my eating is concerned, I am doing it with more relish than N.Y. If the improvement goes on at the present rate, I think I shall be able to return by the end of October.
Here in Vrindaban I have secured full cooperation of my god-brother Swami Bon, and he has very kindly offered me full tuition, room, boarding, etc., for at least ten students among my disciples, who may come for further study in the matter of K.C., as enunciated by the authorized Goswamis, who are direct disciples of Lord Chaitanya. So immediately, if some of you come here for such studies, there will be no difficult; but at the same time I am also trying to have our own house, and probably it will be done.
Regarding Gargamuni's marriage, I have already sanctioned it. Perhaps you did not receive the letters containing all instructions. I repeat: the bride and groom should sit before the Deity Lord Krishna or Jaggannath and you should ignite the fire to offer clarified butter; simply chant Hare Krishna, all of you, and offer the butter to the fire with the word SAHA. The bride and groom should exchange their garlands, and the groom should promise never to forsake his wife, and the wife should promise to serve the husband for all her days. Then when there is opportunity, I shall further bless them personally.
Rayarama wants $300 loan. So you can judge on the spot, and if possible try to help him. We received the fusees. Thank you.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
- 1967 - Letters
- 1967 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- 1967-08 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- Letters Written from - India
- Letters Written from - India, Vrndavana
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India, Vrndavana
- Brahmananda - Letters
- 1967 - Letters with Scans of the Originals
- 1967 - Letters with Scans of the Originals - checked
- Letters - SIC
- Letters - Signed, 1967