750408 - Letter to Bhakta Dennis written from Mayapur
(Redirected from Letter to Bhakta Dennis -- Mayapur 8 April, 1975)
April 8th, 1975
P.O. Sree Mayapur Dham
W. Bengal (Dist. Nadia)
Bhakta Dennis Lock
3764 Watseka Ave.
Los Angeles, Calif. 90034
My dear Bhakta Dennis,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated nil and have noted the contents. I think that the best thing for you is to study our books very carefully and then try to write something. Do not try to concoct your own theories. This is not the process. You must write just as you have heard from your Guru and nothing else. Otherwise, your writing is useless. I think you may contact Swarupa Damodara prabhu if you want to ask any questions. Most important thing is to make sure and follow all of the regulative principles and chant at least 16 rounds daily.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
- 1975 - Letters
- 1975 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- 1975-04 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- Letters Written from - India
- Letters Written from - India, Mayapur
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India, Mayapur
- Letters to Aspiring Devotees
- 1975 - Letters with Scans of the Originals
- 1975 - Letters with Scans of the Originals - checked
- Letters - SIC
- Letters - Signed, 1975