CC Madhya 9.200 (1975)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT 200
- vipra-sabhāya śune tāṅhā kūrma-purāṇa
- tāra madhye āilā pativratā-upākhyāna
vipra-sabhāya—among the assembly of brāhmaṇas; śune—hears; tāṅhā—there; kūrma-purāṇa—the Kūrma Purāṇa; tāra madhye—within that book; āilā—there was; pati-vratā—of the chaste woman; upākhyāna—narration.
There, among the brāhmaṇas, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu listened to the Kūrma Purāṇa, wherein was mentioned the chaste woman's narration.
Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura remarks that only two khaṇḍas of the Kūrma Purāṇa are now available, namely the Pūrva-khaṇḍa and Uttara-khaṇḍa. Sometimes it is said that the Kūrma Purāṇa contains six thousand verses, but originally the Kūrma Purāṇa contained seventeen thousand verses. According to Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, there are seventeen thousand verses in the Kūrma Purāṇa, which is one of the eighteen Mahā-purāṇas. The Kūrma Purāṇa is considered the fifteenth of these Mahā-purāṇas.