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CC Madhya 7.7-8

(Redirected from CC Madhya 7.8)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


nija-gaṇa āni’ kahe vinaya kariyā
āliṅgana kari’ sabāya śrī-haste dhariyā
tomā-sabā jāni āmi prāṇādhika kari’
prāṇa chāḍā yāya, tomā-sabā chāḍite nā pāri


nija-gaṇa āni’ — calling all the devotees; kahe — said; vinaya — humbleness; kariyā — showing; āliṅgana kari’ — embracing; sabāya — all of them; śrī-haste — with His hands; dhariyā — catching them; tomā-sabā — all of you; jāni — I know; āmi — I; prāṇa-adhika — more than My life; kari’ — taking; prāṇa chāḍā — giving up life; yāya — is possible; tomā-sabā — all of you; chāḍite — to give up; pāri — I am not able.


Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu called all His devotees together and, holding them by the hand, humbly informed them, “You are all more dear to Me than My life. I can give up My life, but to give you up is difficult for Me.