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CC Madhya 4.12 (1975)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


pathe baḍa baḍa dānī vighna nāhi kare
tā' sabāre kṛpā kari' āilā remuṇāre


pathe—on the way; baḍa baḍa—big, big; dānī—toll or tax collector; vighna—hindrances; nāhi—not; kare—make; tā' sabāre—to all of them; kṛpā kari'-showing mercy; āilā—reached; remuṇāre—the village known as Remuṇā.


There were many rivers on the way, and at each river there was a tax collector. They did not hinder the Lord, however, and He showed them mercy. Finally He reached the village of Remuṇā.


There is a railway station named Baleśvara, and five miles to the west is the village of Remuṇā. The temple of Kṣīra-corā-gopīnātha still exists in this village, and within the temple the samādhi tomb of Rasikānanda Prabhu, the chief disciple of Śyāmānanda Gosvāmī, can still be found.