CC Madhya 24.181 (1975)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT 181
- dhṛtiḥ syāt pūrṇatā jñāna-
- duḥkhābhāvottamāptibhiḥ
- aprāptātīta-naṣṭārthā-
- nabhisaṁśocanādikṛt
dhṛtiḥ—endurance; syāt—may become; pūrṇatā—fullness; jñāna—knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; duḥkha-abhāva—the absence of misery; uttama-āptibhiḥ—by attainment of the highest platform of perfection; aprāpta—not obtained; atīta—gone; naṣṭa—destroyed; artha—object, goal; anabhisaṁ-śocana—absence of lamentation; ādi—and so on; kṛt—doing.
" 'Dhṛti is the fullness felt by the absence of misery and brought about by receiving knowledge of the Supreme Lord and by obtaining pure love for Him. The lamentation that accrues from not obtaining a goal or by loss of something already attained does not affect this completeness.'
This verse is found in the Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (2.4.144).