CC Madhya 21.117
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT 117
- sei ta’ mādhurya-sāra, anya-siddhi nāhi tāra,
- tiṅho—mādhuryādi-guṇa-khani
- āra saba prakāśe, tāṅra datta guṇa bhāse,
- yāhāṅ yata prakāśe kārya jāni
sei ta’ mādhurya-sāra — that is the quintessence of sweetness; anya-siddhi — perfection due to anything else; nāhi — there is not; tāra — of that; tiṅho — Lord Kṛṣṇa; mādhurya-ādi-guṇa-khani — the mine of transcendental mellows, headed by sweetness; āra saba — all other; prakāśe — in manifestations; tāṅra — His; datta — given; guṇa — transcendental qualities; bhāse — are exhibited; yāhāṅ — where; yata — as much as; prakāśe — in that manifestation; kārya — to be done; jāni — I understand.
“The quintessence of Kṛṣṇa’s sweet bodily luster is so perfect that there is no perfection above it. He is the immutable mine of all transcendental qualities. In His other manifestations and personal expansions, there is only a partial exhibition of such qualities. We understand all His personal expansions in this way.