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CC Madhya 17.201

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXT 201

phula-phala bhari’ ḍāla paḍe prabhu-pāya
bandhu dekhi’ bandhu yena ‘bheṭa’ lañā yāya


phula-phala bhari’ — loaded with fruits and flowers; ḍāla — the branches; paḍe — fall down; prabhu-pāya — at the lotus feet of the Lord; bandhu dekhi’ — seeing one friend; bandhu — another friend; yena — as if; bheṭa — a presentation; lañā — taking; yāya — goes.


The tree branches and creepers, overloaded with fruits and flowers, fell down at the lotus feet of the Lord and greeted Him with various presentations as if they were friends.