CC Madhya 17.183 (1975)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT 183
- 'mūrkha'-loka karibeka tomāra nindana
- sahite nā pārimu sei 'duṣṭe'ra vacana
mūrkha-loka—foolish persons; karibeka—will do; tomāra nindana—blaspheming You; sahite nā pārimu—I shall not be able to tolerate; sei—those; duṣṭera vacana—words of mischievous persons.
"Foolish people will blaspheme You, but I shall not tolerate the words of such mischievous people."
Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura remarks that although the brāhmaṇa did not belong to a superior community, he fearlessly chastised so-called caste brāhmaṇas because he was situated on the platform of pure devotional service. There are people who are opposed to Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu's accepting a Vaiṣṇava belonging to a lower caste. Such people do not consider mahā-prasāda transcendental, and therefore they are described here as mūrkha (foolish) and duṣṭa (mischievous). A pure devotee has the power to challenge such high-caste people, and his brave statements are not to be considered proud or puffed up. On the contrary, he is to be considered straightforward. Such a person does not like to flatter high-class brāhmaṇas who belong to the non-Vaiṣṇava community.