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CC Madhya 16.265-266

(Redirected from CC Madhya 16.265)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXTS 265-266

eta kahi' āmi yabe vidāya tāṅre dila
gamana-kāle sanātana 'prahelī' kahila
yāṅra saṅge haya ei loka lakṣa koṭi
vṛndāvana yāibāra ei nahe paripāṭī


eta kahi — saying this; āmi — I; yabe — when; vidāya — farewell; tāṅre — unto them; dila — gave; gamana-kāle — while going; sanātana — Sanātana; prahelī — enigma; kahila — said; yāṅra saṅge — with whom; haya — is; ei — this; loka — crowd of people; lakṣa koṭi — hundreds of thousands; vṛndāvana — to Vṛndāvana-dhāma; yāibāra — for going; ei — this; nahe — not; paripāṭī — the method.


"After speaking to them in this way, I bade them farewell. As I was leaving, Sanātana told Me, -'It is not appropriate for one to be followed by a crowd of thousands when going to Vṛndāvana.'