CC Madhya 16.244 (1975)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT 244
- dekhi' tāṅra pitā-mātā baḍa sukha pāila
- tāṅhāra āvaraṇa kichu śithila ha-ila
dekhi'-seeing; tāṅra—his; pitā-mātā—father and mother; baḍa—very much; sukha—happiness; pāila—got; tāṅhāra āvaraṇa—strong vigilance upon him; kichu—something; śithila ha-ila—became slackened.
When Raghunātha dāsa's father and mother saw that their son was acting like a householder, they became very happy. Because of this, they slackened their guard.
When Raghunātha dāsa's father and mother saw that their son was no longer acting like a crazy fellow and was responsibly attending to his duties, they became very happy. The eleven people-five watchmen, four personal servants and two brāhmaṇas-who were guarding him became less strict in their vigilance. When Raghunātha dāsa actually took up his household affairs, his parents reduced the number of guards.