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CC Madhya 14.178

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXT 178

dadhi, khaṇḍa, ghṛta, madhu, marīca, karpūra
elāci-milane yaiche rasālā madhura


dadhi — yogurt; khaṇḍa — candy; ghṛta — ghee; madhuhoney; marīca — black pepper; karpūra — camphor; elāci — cardamom; milane — by combining together; yaiche — as; rasālā — very palatable; madhura — and sweet.


“Indeed, they are compared to a combination of yogurt, candy, ghee, honey, black pepper, camphor and cardamom, which, when mixed together, are very tasty and sweet.