CC Madhya 10.163 (1975)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT 163
- sāmpratika 'dui brahma' ihāṅ 'calācala'
- jagannātha-acala brahma, tumi ta' sacala
sāmpratika—at the present moment; dui brahma—two Brahmans, or spiritual identities; ihāṅ—here; cala-acala—moving and not moving; jagannātha—Lord Jagannātha; acala brahma—not moving Brahman; tumi—You; ta'—but; sa-cala—moving Brahman.
"At the present moment I see two Brahmans. One Brahman is Lord Jagannātha, who does not move, and the other Brahman, who is moving, is You. Lord Jagannātha is the arcā-vigraha, the worshipable Deity, and it is He who is the nonmoving Brahman. But You are Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, and You are moving here and there. The two of You are the same Brahman, master of the material nature, but You are playing two parts-one moving and one not moving. In this way two Brahmans are now residing at Jagannātha Purī, Puruṣottama.