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CC Antya 16.108-109

(Redirected from CC Antya 16.108)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXTS 108-109

prabhu kahe,—"ei saba haya 'prākṛta' dravya
aikṣava, karpūra, marica, elāica, lavaṅga, gavya
rasavāsa, guḍatvaka-ādi yata saba
'prākṛta' vastura svāda sabāra anubhava


prabhu kahe — Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu said; ei — these; saba — all; haya — are; prākṛta — material; dravya — ingredients; aikṣava — sugar; karpūra — camphor; marica — black pepper; elāica — cardamom; lavaṅga — cloves; gavya — butter; rasavāsa — spices; guḍatvaka — licorice; ādi — and so on; yata saba — each and every one of them; prākṛta — material; vastura — of ingredients; svāda — taste; sabāra — everyone's; anubhava — experience.


Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu said, "These ingredients, such as sugar, camphor, black pepper, cardamom, cloves, butter, spices and licorice, are all material. Everyone has tasted these material substances before.


The word prākṛta refers to things tasted for the sense gratification of the conditioned soul. Such things are limited by the material laws. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu wanted to make the point that material things have already been experienced by materially absorbed persons who are interested only in sense gratification.