CC Adi 17.55-56 (1975)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXTS 55-56
- sannyāsa kariyā yabe prabhu nīlācale gelā
- tathā haite yabe kuliyā grāme āilā
- tabe sei pāpī prabhura la-ila śaraṇa
- hita upadeśa kaila ha-iyā karuṇa
sannyāsa kariyā—after accepting the renounced order of life; yabe—when; prabhu—Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu; nīlācale—to Jagannātha Purī; gelā—went; tathā haite—from there; yabe—when; kuliyā—of the name Kuliyā; grāme—to the village; āilā—came back; tabe—at that time; sei—that; pāpī—sinful man; prabhura—of the Lord; la-ila—took; śaraṇa—shelter; hita—beneficial; upadeśa—advice; kaila—gave; ha-iyā—becoming; karuṇa—merciful.
When Śrī Caitanya, after accepting the renounced order of life, went to Jagannātha Purī and then came back to the village of Kuliyā, upon His return that sinful man took shelter at the Lord's lotus feet. The Lord, being merciful to him, gave him instructions for his benefit.
Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Ṭhākura, in his Anubhāṣya, has given the following note in connection with the village Kuliyā. The village originally known as Kuliyā has developed into what is now the city of Navadvīpa. In various authorized books like Bhakti-ratnākara, Caitanya-carita-mahākāvya, Caitanya-candrodaya-nāṭaka and Caitanya-bhāgavata it is mentioned that the village Kuliyā is on the western side of the Ganges. Even now, within the area known as Koladvīpa, there is a place known as kuliāra gañja and a place called kuliāra daha, both within the jurisdiction of the present municipality of Navadvīpa. In the time of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu there were two villages, named Kuliyā and Pāhāḍapura, on the western side of the Ganges, both belonging to the jurisdiction of Bāhiradvīpa. At that time the place on the eastern side of the Ganges now known as Antardvīpa was known as Navadvīpa. At Śrī Māyāpur that place is still known as Dvīpera Māṭha. There is another place of the name Kuliyā near Kāṅcaḍāpāḍā, but it is not the same Kuliyā mentioned here. It cannot be accepted as aparādha-bhañjanera pāṭa, or the place where the offense was excused, for that occurred in the above-mentioned Kuliyā on the western side of the Ganges. For business reasons many envious persons oppose excavation of the real place, and sometimes they advertise unauthorized places as the authorized one.