CC Adi 16.46 (1975)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
- vipra kahe śloke nāhi doṣera ābhāsa
- upamālaṅkāra guṇa, kichu anuprāsa
vipra kahe—the brāhmaṇa replied; śloke—in that verse; nāhi—there is not; doṣera—of fault; ābhāsa—even a tinge; upamā-alaṅkāra—simile or metaphor; guṇa—quality; kichu—something; anuprāsa—alliteration.
The brāhmaṇa replied, "There is not a tinge of fault in that verse. Rather, it has the good qualities of similes and alliteration."
In the last line of the verse quoted by Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, the letter bha is repeated many times, as in the words bhavānī, bhartur, vibhavati and adbhuta. Such repetition is called anuprāsa, or alliteration. The words lakṣmīr iva and viṣṇoś caraṇa-kamalotpatti are instances of upamā-alaṅkāra, for they exhibit metaphorical beauty. The Ganges is water, and Lakṣmī is the goddess of fortune. Since water and a person are not actually similar, the comparison is metaphorical.