771010 - Conversation B - Vrndavana
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
(Visit From Allopathic Doctor)
Doctor: B-complex deficiency, alright . . . (indistinct) . . . deficiency has to be of B-complex.
Devotee: B-complex?
Doctor: Hā̆. Thor̥e thor̥e isme small, minute ulcers are there in the tongue. (Yes. There are small, minute ulcers on the tongue.)
Bali-mardana: We have some.
Doctor: That shows that Śrīla is nutritionally deficient and also . . . (indistinct) . . . so the vitamin deficiency is clear cut there. So unless something is done, only by watching and observation, that medically is not going to help.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: What is that something?
Doctor: Hmm?
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: What has to be done?
Doctor: That I'll prescribe. Question yaha hai ki mahārājajī will be prepared to take some medicine or like to take some medicine. (The question is whether Mahārāja (Prabhupāda) will be willing to take some medicine or if he would like to take some medicine.)
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: That's a good question.
Doctor: If he agrees, I will suggest. I'll put it in a prescription form and explain to you how.
Devotee: Yes.
Prabhupāda: Take it.
Dr. Kapoor: (indistinct) . . . ye āpa batāie. (. . . this you tell.)
(some devotee greeting Rādhe-śyāma)
Dr. Kapoor: Give some paper and pen.
Doctor: I think he would not like to receive any injection.
Devotees: No.
Doctor: And I won't advise rather.
Indian man: That's alright. Hai nā? (Isn't it?)
Doctor: Rather, it will be very cruel if I suggest.
Prabhupāda: Ah without injection . . .
Dr. Kapoor: No. There will be, sir, no injection.
Prabhupāda: It will be very nice. (laughter)
Kīrtanānanda: You're just like a little boy, Prabhupāda. (laughter)
Doctor: Blood pressure should be checked up. Urine should be sent to the laboratory for examination.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Do you have these facilities available?
Dr. Kapoor: He's in Agra, you see. He came here by chance for darśana. Only this morning Prabhupāda and I were talking that he should be called from Agra. Accidentally, when I went to bring the vaidya, I saw his car on the way. I stopped then.
Doctor: I had my desire in my life to see him once, and that God has fulfilled. (laughter)
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Now you should see him a hundred times.
Dr. Kapoor: Hundred times, yes.
Prabhupāda: Ina loga kī icchā hai ki hama kucha dina rahĕ. Hamārī koī icchā nahī̆ haĭ. (They desire that I live for some more days. But I don't have any desire.)
Doctor: Prasāda āpa Ṭhākurajī kā pāte rahie. Ṭhākurajī śakti denge apane āpa. Unhī̆ kī śakti se . . . se āpa jo kucha bhī haĭ isa vakta . . . unhī̆ kī śakti se saba kucha ho rahā hai. (You keep taking prasāda of Ṭhākura (Kṛṣṇa). Ṭhākura will grant you energy on His own. Whatever you are at this moment is due to His energy . . . everything is happening because of His power.)
Prabhupada: Bhagavān kā prasāda le āo. (Bring Bhagāvān's (God's) prasāda.) Bring Deity prasādam.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: We're bringing, Śrīla Prabhupāda.
Doctor: Tablets . . . he likes syrup or tablets? Tablets will be difficult for swallowing?
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: What, Śrīla Prabhupāda?
Prabhupāda: Tablet I can take.
Devotees: Tablets.
Doctor: The tablets me aisā hai ki, they should be pure or . . .? (The tablets should be pure or . . .?) Enzymes vagera koi allow kareṅge ki nahī? (Will Prabhupāda allow enzymes?)
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Enzyme means animals?
Doctor: Agar koi doubt na ho to I will . . . (indistinct) . . . them. (If there is no doubt, then I will . . . (indistinct) . . . them.)
(Prabhupāda coughs)
Bali-mardana: Syrup is better if the tablets are all made with animal . . .
Doctor: Hā̆ ṭhīka hai. (Okay, fine.)
(Prabhupāda coughs)
Bali-mardana: He's been having mucus.
Doctor: For this cough, this will be rather a very terrible thing to control. For that, Mahārājajī should have breathing exercise. Somebody must have suggested before also for breathing exercise?
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: No, I don't think so.
Doctor: It is necessary, because when he is bedridden there will be congestion in the base of the lungs. So for that, for ten minutes morning, ten minutes afternoon, ten minutes evening, in this way exercise must be there.
Hari-śauri: You want the spittoon, Śrīla Prabhupāda?
Doctor: In old age it's very common for a patient remains lying down in this posture.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Breathing exercises.
Doctor: Breathing exercises as permanently done by. That will help. Then massage and change of postures after every two hours.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Change of?
Doctor: Posture. Just as he is lying in this way, he should lie on the latter side for some time just to have the circulation all over the body. And massage.
Abhirāma: You were saying that there's a vitamin deficiency?
Doctor: Vitamin deficiency.
Abhirāma: We have some, from America. We have some vitamin supplements.
Doctor: Yes, you can give it.
Abhirāma: In syrup form. Liquid form.
Upendra: On the sides it tells the ingredients. Both sides.
Doctor: Whether it is being given?
Abhirāma: Not yet.
Doctor: But it will only be effective if it is given. (laughter) So the problem is this.
Abhirāma: But do you think it's a good idea? Do you recommend it?
Doctor: Yes, it is a replacement therapy. Whatever is not being assimilated and digested by the not taking any food, so this will be supplementary therapy, with this and other things. So this can be given, one teaspoon full three times a day.
Dr. Kapoor: It is a harmless thing. Only vitamins. Nothing else.
Doctor: It will supplementary therapy. Just to have . . . the body requires. That should be given either in the form of food or in the form of medicine.
Indian Man: Suno, vo abhī jo . . . (indistinct) . . . (Listen, now . . . (indistinct) . . .)
Doctor: Jo bhī ho usame kyā kyā cāhie kucha batāte nahī . . . (indistinct) . . . (Whatever it is, what is needed in it is not told . . . (indistinct) . . .)
Indian Man: Vo to . . . (indistinct) . . . kā preparation hai na? (It is a preparation of . . . (indistinct) . . . isn't it?)
Doctor: (indistinct) . . . kā kaise? (How is it a preparation for . . .)
Doctor: Uskī value vahī hai jo Calcium kī value hai. (Its value is the same as that of Calcium's value.)
Indian Man: Hā̆. Śāyed . . . (indistinct) . . . type kahate hai na. (Yes. Maybe it is known as . . . (indistinct) . . . type.)
Doctor: Hā̆ ṭhīk hai. (Yes, okay.)
(indistinct Hindi conversation)
Doctor: Vaise Calcium requirement . . . (By the way, the Calcium requirement . . .)
(Prabhupāda asking for something)
Indian man: Hā̆ de deṅge. De deṅge abhī. (Yes, it will be given. It will be given.)
Doctor: (writing) Neurobion syrup. Three times a day.
Prabhupāda: Baḍā doctor, Vedaji, se hamārā paricaya thā. (I am familiar with the big doctor, Vedaji.)
Indian Man: Vedaji se paricaya thā āpaka? (Did you know about Vedaji?)
Prabhupāda: Hā̆. (Yes) . . . (indistinct Hindi) . . . jī. (Yes.)
Indian Man: Hā̆, hā̆. (Yes, yes.)
Indian Man (2): Unase paricaya thā? (You knew him?)
Prabhupāda: Unse kiskā nahī paricaya thā! (Who will not know him.)
Indian Man: Hā̆, kiskā nahī paricaya thā. (Yes, who would not know him.)
Prabhupāda: . . . (indistinct Hindi)
Doctor: Bas itnā kāfī hai. (That's enough.)
Indian Man: Hmm. (Okay.)
Doctor: One tablespoonful of Santivini syrup.
Indian Man: Hmm. (Okay.)
Doctor: One tablespoonful of Digiplex syrup.
Indian Man: Hmm. (Okay.)
Doctor: Ye . . . (indistinct) kā. (This is of . . .)
Indian Man: Isame tablespoon. (Tablespoon of this.)
Doctor: Ye tablespoonful . . . (Tablespoonful . . .)
Indian Man: Acchā. (Okay.)
Doctor: . . . two times daily after meals.
Indian Man: Hā̆. (Okay.)
Doctor: (writing) Tablespoonful. B-d likha diyā hai. Isako bhī two times daily. (B-d is written. Take this two times daily also.)
Indian Man: Ye bhī after meals? (This is also after meals?)
Doctor: (writing) After meals.
Doctor: Isako combine kara lijiye gā eka sātha. (Do combine them together.)
Indian Man: Acchā. (Okay.)
Doctor: Neurovion syrup, a teaspoonful two times daily.
Doctor: The three to be combined.
Indian Man: Acchā. (Okay.)
Doctor: Ina tino kā jo . . . (Of these three . . .)
Indian Man: Hā̆. (Okay.)
Doctor: Ācchā, now, the problem remains of Edema. (Okay, so now the problem remains of Edema.) It is positively due to deficiency of proteins in the blood.
Indian Man: Hā̆. Isake liye immediately kucha? (Okay. Anything to be done immediately for this?)
Doctor: Isake liye immediately kucha nahī. (No, nothing immediately.) But it should be given.
(everyone laughing)
Bali-mardana: He will have to agree to take it. You will have to agree to take it, Śrīla Prabhupāda.
Dr. Kapoor: He has agreed.
Doctor: That is fine, he has agreed. Unless the body requirements are met with it, the body cannot fight.
Prabhupāda: What is that?
Bali-mardana: This is what the devotees have brought from America.
Kīrtanānanda: It's mostly soybean powder.
Bali-mardana: It's similar to Complan except it has more protein.
Kīrtanānanda: It's not made from milk, so there's less chance of mucus.
Bali-mardana: Made of soybeans. It's a powder.
Dr. Kapoor: Ye digestion to nahī? (That is not digesting.)
Doctor: They are partially digested.
Dr. Kapoor: Oh, I see. I see. Acchā. (Okay.)
Indian Man: Ye aise form me hai ki āsānī se . . . (indistinct) ho jāe . . . (It is in such a form that it can easily . . .)
Doctor: Ye batāie, urine output. (Now, tell me the urine output.) How much is the urine output?
Upendra: More than he takes in, last few days.
Doctor: Na. (No.) It is measured? Urine is measured?
Upendra: Yes.
Abhirāma: There's a record here.
Doctor: Twenty-four hours kā batā dijiye. (Just tell me about the last twenty-four hours.)
Upendra: Well these last few days it has been very critical. He's been putting out more than he's taken in.
Doctor: No, the quantity. The quantity.
Kīrtanānanda: Tell him how much.
Upendra: So far today, he's taken in 225 milliliters, and he's taken out . . . take . . . passing urine 200, 150.
Abhirāma: Yesterday?
Upendra: And yesterday he took in 350 and he passed 200. And the day before he took in 300 and passed out 290. The day before, took in 220 and passed out 250.
Doctor: Proteins. Proteins kā nām kyā thā? Usko abhī likha denā. (What was the name of that protein? Write it down now.)
Devotee: What's the name of that protein?
Devotees: Instant protein.
Upendra: You can't get it in India.
Abhirāma: It's partially digested.
Indian Man: . . . partially digested.
Abhirāma: It's very good. It's very good.
Doctor: Ye ho gayā. (Now it is done.) I want Prabhupāda to do nothing for Edema. Edema will disappear when he gains strength. When he gains strength this swelling will disappear gradually.
Upendra: Same thing the doctor said in London.
Doctor: Bahuta jyādā medicine hum vaise bhī nahī̆ denā cāhte. (Too much medicine, anyway we desire not to prescribe.) It is mainly a question of improving the appetite.
Indian Man: Hā̆. (Yes.)
Doctor: And appetite will improve by appetizers. By appetizers I mean that whatever he has been liking before.
Indian Man: Hā̆. (Okay.)
Doctor: The fruits or things should be as he likens.
Indian Man: Hā̆. Acchā. Vo thor̥ā ṭhor̥ā . . . (indistinct) . . . hai. (Yes, some small bits of . . . (indistinct) . . . is.)
Doctor: Isa para jaise ki māna lījie ki kucha masālā vagera yā kucha salt vagera ṭhodā bahuta cāhate hai. (Suppose he (Prabhupāda) wishes for some spices or some salt etc.) Salt is also necessary for body.
Indian Man: Hā̆. (Agreed.)
Doctor: Sugar is necessary for body.
Indian Man: Hā̆. (Agreed.)
Doctor: So even a complete salt-free diet for a very long period will produce this sort of weakness, because there is always perspiration in summer, and salt, there's loss of salt also from the body.
Prabhupāda: Hmm . . .
Dr. Kapoor: He should take salt in some form.
Doctor: In very small quantity that will improve appetite.
Upendra: In the mūṅga water there can be salt.
Indian Man: Hā̆. Mūṅga water me. (Yes, there is salt in mūṅga water.)
Kīrtanānanda: Anywhere.
Indian Man: Hā̆. Mūṅga water me salt to hotā hai . . . (Yes, mūṅga water contains salt . . .)
Indian Man (2): Bilakula. (Absolutely.)
Indian Man: . . . but . . .
Abhirāma: Salt tablets?
Dr. Kapoor: Vegetable juice.
Doctor: Ṭhīk hai. (Alright.) That much is sufficient. There are three medicines.
Dr. Kapoor: To ye tīna syrups hai? (So, there are three medicines?) You see three syrups. One tablespoonful of each. Mix them. Mix it up.
Doctor: No, it will bother. It is very annoying to take just one medicine and then after five minutes another medicine. So if all the three are taken together it will not be harm in mixing them.
Dr. Kapoor: No harm in mixing them, hmm?
Doctor: To mix them whole process is over once in morning, once in evening, after some food.
Upendra: After some intake, yes.
Dr. Kapoor: Something, some juice or whatever he takes.
Upendra: So that means these three medicines three times a day?
Dr. Kapoor: Two times a day, after meals. After meals. Mix them up, the three syrups, mix them up, one tablespoonful each. And give three tablespoonfuls after meals, twice.
Upendra: How soon after meals?
Doctor: Just along with meal. Why make a gap? Unless she feels, he feels tired, then of course, you can give it as a separate, separately. Otherwise just along with it, fruit juice.
Dr. Kapoor: And he takes, does he take vegetable juice?
Upendra: No.
Doctor: Something must be given of his liking.
Upendra: But Prabhupāda hasn't got any taste.
Prabhupāda: Liking kuch hai hi nahī. (There is no liking.)
Dr. Kapoor: Liking kuch nahī hai. (There is no liking.)
Doctor: Nīṁbū. (Lemon.) Lemon. Does he like lemon?
Dr. Kapoor: Lemon, can you take lemon?
Prabhupāda: Yes.
Doctor: Nīṁbū . . . (Lemon . . .)
Dr. Kapoor: Lemon ko aise eka garma karake usame namaka . . . (Heat the lemon like this and add salt to it . . .)
Doctor: Jo āpa glucose kā syrup banāie. Inako fruit juice me glucose ḍālie. Āura that you add one lemon with it. (Make glucose syrup. Give him that glucose syrup in fruit juice and then add one lemon in it.)
Upendra: In the fruit juice?
Doctor: In the fruit juice. Lemon will improve appetite.
Dr. Kapoor: Fruit juice, put some glucose in it, you see thirty grams glucose, and one lemon.
Upendra: And how much fruit juice should Prabhupāda take at one time?
Doctor: That is according . . . ad lib. As much as he likes. Because fluid intake is very necessary, whether it is water or fruit juice or in any way he likes. And regarding the treatment of the swelling, we can approach it scientifically only after the urine report. If there is nothing wrong with that, then some diet can be increased. And if there is something in urine or some other thing is present, then even then this much diet is (a) necessity; it must be continued.
Dr. Kapoor: So what are the reports which must be kept regularly? Urine?
Doctor: Blood pressure record.
Dr. Kapoor: Blood pressure record?
Doctor: Hā̆, once a week. (Yes, once a week.)
Dr. Kapoor: Once a week. Aura urine? (And urine?)
Doctor: Urine output.
Dr. Kapoor: Daily?
Doctor: Daily. Jaisā āpa loga maintain kara rahe haĭ. (As you are maintaining.)
Dr. Kapoor: Maintain kara rahe hai. Ṭhika hai. (As it has been maintained. Alright.)
Doctor: Nothing else. Nothing else.
Dr. Kapoor: Aur kuch? (Anything else?)
Doctor: What about motions?
Upendra: Well, last few days nothing, because there was no intake. But otherwise . . .
Abhirāma: The last motion we gave an enema, and he had a motion. About five days ago he took an enema.
Doctor: Yes, that is right. If the motion is normal, normal motion is there, of course, nothing to be done. Otherwise after every four or five days or after a week, soap part enema or glycerin enema?
Abhirāma: Glycerin.
Doctor: Glycerin?
Upendra: No, no,no. He's asking. Water.
Doctor: Which type of enema? Simple water, warm water. And that produces the effect? This is best, warm water.
Upendra: Prabhupāda should be moved from side to side and sit up too.
Doctor: That is there . . . he must be . . . posture must be changed after every two hours. Some massage of the body is necessity.
Dr. Kapoor: (Indistinct Hindi)
Doctor: Isko kaise bhī le sakte hai. (It can be taken in any way.) Water, with milk or fruit juice.
Dr. Kapoor: Nahī to ye aisā kareṅge kī . . . (Or else he can do it like . . .)
Doctor: Prabhupāda likes maṭṭhā? (whey?)
Upendra: Whey?
Abhirāma: Whey is good?
Dr. Kapoor: Hā̆. (Yes.) But does Prabhupāda like it?
Abhirāma: It can be used to mix these.
Doctor: Hā̆. (Yes.) That will be . . .
Abhirāma: We can use it instead of water?
Doctor: . . . rather, it is a protein food.
Abhirāma: It's protein?
Doctor: Protein without fat. Fat to nikala jātā hai. Makkhana nikala jātā hai. Makkhana nikala jātā hai nā maṭṭhā me se? (Fat gets removed. Butter gets removed. Butter gets removed from whey, doesn't it?) when you serve the milk, milk or curd, you get whey. And that whey will be rather very easily digestible. It will prevent the gases also and will be a supplement protein.
Dr. Kapoor: Give in a small quantity first.
Doctor: Hā̆ to usame see what is the response, how does he like it. Maṭṭhā acchā hai. (Yes. So, see what is the response, how he likes it. Whey is good.)
Dr. Kapoor: Maṭṭhā acchā hai. (Whey is good.)
Prabhupāda: Deity prasādam?
Bali-mardana: Yes, it's right here, Prabhupāda.
Dr. Kapoor: . . . (indistinct Hindi)
(Somebody whispering haribol)
Upendra: Your wife has come? Your wife is here?
Dr. Kapoor: . . . (indistinct Hindi) You follow that now, hmm?
Upendra: I can't . . . it's the doctor's handwriting.
Dr. Kapoor: Three syrups on the first page. One tablespoon . . .
Doctor: Apne isme likha lījie āpas me. (Write it down for yourself.) Santivini. S-a-n-t-i-v-i-n-i. Santivini syrup. A tablespoonful two times after drink (meal).
Dr. Kapoor: Each of these syrups is after meals twice a day.
Upendra: And the other one is?
Doctor: Digiplex. D-i-g-i-p-l-e-x. Digiplex. That is also one tablespoon.
Prabhupāda: They have got it? They have got it?
Doctor: Mil jāegā yahā. (It will be available here.) It is available here.
Dr. Kapoor: Ramā Medical Store me mil jāegā. (It can be bought from the Ramā Medical Store.)
Upendra: What was the other syrup? Neuro . . .?
Doctor: Neurovion syrup. N-e-u-r-o-v-i-o-n.
Upendra: Neurovion syrup. Same. These can be had at any chemist?
Doctor: Yes. I think it is available here.
Dr. Kapoor: Get at shop. Ramā Medical Store.
Doctor: If something is not available here, it can be got from Mathurā.
Dr. Kapoor: From Mathurā. If not available here, it can be got from Mathurā.
Upendra: (trying to read prescription) "Fried . . .?" "Fried" something?
Dr. Kapoor: Let me see it.
Upendra: This one.
Doctor: Proteins, high protein. Spoonful two times, with fruit juice or barley water.
Dr. Kapoor: You will give glucose in fruit juice, and this also you'll give in fruit juice, so you can alternate.
Abhirāma: He said how much glucose?
Dr. Kapoor: In plain water also you can give glucose.
Doctor: No, no. That will be a hurt. That will produce . . . be producing hurt. Plain water . . . you are giving as plain water?
Abhirāma: No, we're not giving plain water.
Doctor: There's always a desire when a person feels thirsty he wants water. When he feels thirsty and you give him a drink, he will rather dislike it, and the appetite will disappear.
Upendra: But Prabhupāda doesn't feel thirsty either.
Doctor: Hmm! Water kā bhī taste nahī̆ mālūm par̥tā? (He doesn't sense the taste of water as well?) That is all due to deficiency of the . . . and ulcers of the mouth. They are there. They are in the intestines . . .
Dr. Kapoor: They are in the mouth and the intestines. That prevents . . .
Abhirāma: Are you saying that juice is better than water?
Doctor: Juice is juice, water is water.
Abhirāma: But what about water? He should take water?
Doctor: He has a liking for water, so the water should be given separately.
Abhirāma: But not with glucose.
Dr. Kapoor: Not with glucose.
Doctor: If he likes, with glucose it is all right. But if he has got a feeling of thirsty, thirsty feeling . . .
Prabhupāda: But I have no.
Doctor: No thirsty feeling?
Prabhupāda: No desire for water.
Doctor: Then it must not be given. Why give water as a waste?
Abhirāma: So then for nutrition, you said how much glucose per day?
Doctor: Hundred grams at least, 100 to 150. And this you should give at least two tablespoonfuls in morning and two, three tablespoonful in the evening.
Abhirāma: The vitamin supplement.
Doctor: Yes, vitamin supplement.
Abhirāma: And if he has some . . . if he is able to take some protein . . .
Doctor: He does not like it or . . . then you can stop it and you can give him whey.
Abhirāma: Whey. That has a good amount of protein?
Doctor: Small amount of protein. About . . . protein percentage is about four percent or five percent. But this is a concentrated powder.
Dr. Kapoor: Ācchā. Prabhupada, asi amra? (Prabhupāda, can we take leave now?)
Prabhupāda: Era sob bujhe niche ki? (Have they all understood it?)
Dr. Kapoor: Ha bujhe nieche? (Yes they understood.) You followed everything?
Upendra: Yes. There should be some salt.
Dr. Kapoor: Yes.
Upendra: And you can put . . .
Prabhupāda: Direction.
Dr. Kapoor: (Indistinct) (break) (kīrtana)
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Jaya Śrīla Prabhupāda. Did you call for me?
Prabhupāda: What did you do with . . . (indistinct) . . . (break) (soft kīrtana)
Śatadhanya: . . . prasādam. And they have kīrtana. They are so-called communists. Actually Bengalis are devotees, Śrīla Prabhupāda. Simply that they know your name is enough to purify all of Bengal, what to speak of if you remain present, the whole world will become completely flooded by kṛṣṇa-prema. That is why we are begging you, Śrīla Prabhupāda, that you remain with us for some time longer, because we are very weak and are still attached to material sense gratification. But if you are present, it is like a transcendental ocean. (pause)
Prabhupāda: There is some strain here. Yes. Why not make big or . . .?
Upendra: You have some pain?
Prabhupāda: Not pain, but veins straining.
Upendra: Veins. Just here, Śrīla Prabhupāda?
Prabhupāda: Where is Bhakti-caru?
Devotees: Just here, Śrīla Prabhupāda.
Prabhupāda: Tumi arektu gita chapcho na keno? (Why are you not printing more Gītās?)
Bhakti-caru: Srila Prabhupada?
Prabhupada: Jotota likhecho totota chepe bechte arambha korchona keno? (Whatever you have written, why don't you print and sell that?)
Bhakti-caru: Accha ha Srila Prabhupada. Amra . . . ami to age pathiechilam chapabar jonno, segulo okahne keui kichu korte pareni. Tarpore ami jabar por somosto bebostha korchilam, ami rekheu esechi. Dr. Koyal bole ekjon join korchen, take prothom part ta die esechi, edike type setting ta shuru hoe jacche er moddhe. Uni banan-tanan kingba grammatical mistake jegulo ache segulo dekhe dile ota pancharatna gie nie asbe. Tarpor ota printer ke die dea hobe chapabar jonno. Er moddhe hoyto choleu geche ota. (Yes Srila Prabhupāda . . . I sent it before it went to print, nobody could do anything with that there. Then after I went there, I made arrangements for everything—I also kept them ready. One person named Dr. Koyal has joined and I have given the first part to him. Meanwhile the typesetting is getting ready. If he checks the spelling and grammatical mistakes, then Pañcaratna will go and collect those. Then that will be given to the printers for printing. Perhaps it has already been sent over there.)
Prabhupāda: Where is Bhavānanda?
Devotee: Bhāgavat dāsa?
Prabhupāda: Where is Bhavānanda?
Bhakti-caru: Ami deke anchi Srila Prabhupada. (I will go and call him Srila Prabhupāda.) (break)
Bhavānanda: It's just going . . . the Bengali Gītā is going out now for printing.
Prabhupāda: Bengali Gītā with explanation.
Bhavānanda: Yes.
Prabhupāda: Ki naam diecho? (What name have you given to it?)
Bhakti-caru: Bhagavad Gita jothajotho. Apnie bole diechilen, Srila Prabhupada. (Bhagavad-gītā As It Is. Your Divine Grace only said this name, Srila Prabhupāda.)
Prabhupada: Śatadhanya says that Bengalis, they like my book.
Bhavānanda: Very much. We get huge amounts of mail.
Prabhupāda: Hmm?
Bhavānanda: We get huge amounts of mail from all over Bengal every day asking about different literatures that have been printed in Bengali by Your Divine Grace.
Śrīdhara: (aside whispering) Turn over? On your back or on your side, Śrīla Prabhupāda?
Upendra: Back.
Śrīdhara: On your back?
Upendra: Lift Prabhupāda up. You can push the pillow under his shoulders too. Is that all right? (break)
Bhavānanda: . . . exactly where he stands. He told us that he's living in the middle of all of this. The villagers . . . (indistinct) . . . he's completely surrounded by them. He is opportunist. But the Hṛṣīkeśa Mahārāja from that Caitanya Maṭha, they are giving us support. But Saranga Babu is saying that . . .
Subhaga: (indistinct Bengali) . . . Saranga babur mukhe khub misti kotha. (Saranga babu speaks very sweet outwardly.)
Bhavānanda: President, Caitanya Maṭha.
Subhaga: Oh, I see. (break)
Harikeśa: . . . praised Īśopaniṣad. This Yugoslavian professor is very famous.
Prabhupāda: Famous?
Harikeśa: We made it very scholarly, because I remember last time you said it should be very scholarly. We printed ten thousand copies of this.
Prabhupāda: Selling?
Harikeśa: Yes, we can sell these like anything, because in Yugoslavia we can pretend we're going to Greece, and we can bring as many as we like and then we can sell these.
Prabhupāda: So why not print ten million?
Harikeśa: I only had time to print ten thousand, Śrīla Prabhupāda. We did it in one day, from the flats to this book in one day, just so I could bring it to you. This is the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Second Canto, First Volume, with Śrī-Śrī-Rādhā-London-īśvara. This we printed twenty thousand copies.
Prabhupāda: Selling?
Harikeśa: Oh, yes.
Kīrtanānanda: Which language?
Harikeśa: This is German.
Prabhupāda: Finely printed, everything first class.
Harikeśa: This is Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Second Canto, Second Part.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Who is on the cover?
Harikeśa: This is on the cover . . .
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Rādhā-Govindadeva.
Harikeśa: Rādhā-Govindajī from Jaipur. Very nice picture. On the back is this universal form.
Prabhupāda: By seeing the picture they sell.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: People will buy just from seeing. (Prabhupāda laughs)
Harikeśa: In Germany pictures like on the back, they're very popular.
Prabhupāda: What price you are selling?
Harikeśa: We sell these for about eight or nine marks or ten marks. That's somewhere between $3.50 and $4.00. Sometimes a little more.
Prabhupāda: They pay that.
Harikeśa: Oh and we've made on the covers the same gold stamp as in the American books, on this cover, and on the side also, for the libraries, because we are selling standing orders in German also. And here's Second Canto, Third Part, with Śrī-Śrī-Rādhā-Madana-mohana from Germany, from the Schloss.
Jayatīrtha: These Deities are superexcellent Deities.
Harikeśa: The pūjārī, he will not leave the temple under any circumstances, Aṣṭaratha dāsa. No matter what, he will not leave the temple. I tried to force him to come to London to see you. He said he cannot do it.
Prabhupāda: Very good.
Harikeśa: Then each of these is twenty thousand copies. Then we are making these Kṛṣṇa books. Of this book we printed sixty thousand copies.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: How many?
Harikeśa: Sixty thousand for mass distribution. There's very nice cover.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Wow. Look at Rāmeśvara. He jumped at that.
Prabhupāda: He's defeated. (laughter)
Harikeśa: I am just taking everything they do and do it. That's all. And then there is these other ones, volume two and three. We have printed 35,000 of each. This one has a very nice picture of you on the back.
Rāmeśvara: Oh, yes.
Prabhupāda: Rāmeśvara Mahārāja, how do you like?
Rāmeśvara: These books are very good. The most incredible thing, the printer can print them faster than anywhere else in the world. From the day he gives the book to the printer and the day the printer ships it, it is faster than anywhere else in the world.
Harikeśa: The printer has invited all the BBT trustees from all over the world, and he will pay their fare, and he will say he will beat everybody's price in the whole world for printing.
Prabhupāda: Then why not print there?
Rāmeśvara: He wants us to go to do the research next month, in November.
Prabhupāda: So go. If you get cheaper and nicer, why not?
Rāmeśvara: We're planning to go and research it very carefully.
Harikeśa: This is another part. This is also 35,000.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: What is the total number of volumes? Of these volumes, how much is the total printing of these seven books?
Jayatīrtha: Two hundred thousand.
Harikeśa: Er, I can't . . . sixty thousand and 35, 35, 35, and 25. So that's . . .
Yaśomatīnandana: That's 190,000.
Jayatīrtha: Plus 10,000 Īśopaniṣads.
Rāmeśvara: In America just one book is 1,500,000 copies printed.
Jayatīrtha: Jaya Rāmeśvara.
Harikeśa: (laughs) We can't compete with . . .
Rāmeśvara: But that was last year's. Next year we are planning to double it.
Jayatīrtha: In America you are planning to double it. In Europe we are doubling it.
Harikeśa: Right now we are laying out the Arabic Bhagavad-gītā. We're laying out the work. It's all composed.
Rāmeśvara: Haribol.
Harikeśa: And the Polish Easy Journey . . .
Prabhupāda: He was rotting in here, typewriting. I said: "You go." I had ten servants. You feel they are heavy. He thought that I am degrading him. No. Now you understand?
Harikeśa: Yes, I understand, Prabhupāda.
Prabhupāda: So here is a intelligent boy. Why he should rot here, typewriting? (break) Whatever deficiency are there, that is excused by Guru Mahārāja. Go on printing, go on printing. Deficiency will be corrected, next, next, next. I printed Bhāgavata in that way, so many defects. "All right. Whatever is printed, that's all." But these are first class. There is no defect. German printing is very pure. They have got the first-class machine. So we have got so many centers. Wherever cheaper and better printing can be gotten, we may take from there. That's all right. Thank you.
Harikeśa: (choked voice) Thank you, Śrīla Prabhupāda.
Prabhupāda: Hare Kṛṣṇa.
Jayatīrtha: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust ki jaya.
Devotees: Śrīla Prabhupāda ki jaya.
Prabhupāda: Hare Kṛṣṇa.
Harikeśa: Now you just have to become better, more healthy.
Prabhupāda: Healthy . . . I have nothing to do with this body. Have to do with your work. Hmm. All right. (devotees offer obeisances) (break)
Bhagavān: All the devotees want to give you a nice offering. So in three days, so far they have done almost eleven thousand big books. Marathon will end on Wednesday night, and they hope to do over twenty thousand big books in one week. We have about seventy-five devotees out distributing fourteen hours every day. They were thinking this was suitable offering for Your Divine Grace. Also in Italy they are doing almost 3,500 big books every week now.
Prabhupāda: Hmm. Rome.
Bhagavān: Yes.
Prabhupāda: Which book?
Bhagavān: Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, First Volume. The devotees are thinking if they can do over twenty thousand big books in one week, you'll be encouraged to stay. And then they will do even more.
Prabhupāda: No. Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī will give them blessing. He'll delay. He wanted this.
Bhagavān: When the book distribution is going on so strongly, everything is remaining very pure. It is taking away all inauspicious elements.
Prabhupāda: Thank you. (kīrtana) (break) You can note down from him the crisis day.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: You want me to get those dates? Tomorrow is one of them.
Prabhupāda: There are so many.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Others come at the end of this month. I'll give him the dates. Tomorrow is the first one.
Prabhupāda: I think every day is crisis. (laughs) Things becoming bad.
Kīrtanānanda: You're not under the control of material nature, Prabhupāda.
Prabhupāda: Things becoming bad to worse. (break)
Hari-śauri: Here's Bhavānanda.
Prabhupāda: What arrangement is being made for the conference?
Bhavānanda: Śatadhanya Mahārāja and I have formed the welcoming committee, and we're going to greet all of the guests when they come. We're having . . . the guesthouse will be empty tonight and cleaned up and all arrangements made for their stay there. That's as much as I've been able to do to date, because I don't know what Svarūpa Dāmodara has done. That's all I'm able to find out. There was nothing done as far as that goes—greeting the people and seeing that their living arrangements are made. They've made a temporary kitchen over in the gurukula building for cooking, and we're seeing that the prasādam is . . . we're going to go over the menu, that that is all nice and nicely served. I'm waiting for . . .
Prabhupāda: And what about the conference place?
Bhavānanda: The conference place is being cleaned up now.
Prabhupāda: Which room?
Bhavānanda: On the ground floor in the front, the conference room? They had a big conference room there?
Hari-śauri: That was going to be the bank. Remember.
Bhavānanda: Right. That's being cleaned now, and that will be all ready. So everything is going on.
Prabhupāda: When the conference begins?
Bhavananda: The invitation says nine, but Mādhava dāsa said about ten. Friday at 10:30.
Hari-śauri: In the morning begins. Today is Wednesday.
Bhavananda: Wednesday. So I'm waiting for Svarūpa Dāmodara to come to see what other details have to be taken care of, and then we'll immediately see that it's . . . the greeting committee will be Śatadhanya Mahārāja, myself, Subhaga, and some other boys to see that they're . . . if the prasādam . . . as far as the conference and lecture, that's all in Svarūpa Dāmodara's hands. I have nothing . . . but as far as the arrangements for the guests and their living facilities and prasādam, that I'll take care of. (break)
Brahmānanda: . . . some books Cyavana Swami has produced. This is the Topmost Yoga. We had printed this a couple of years ago. This is a reprint. Ufahamawa Kṛṣṇa. The money for this printing was donated to us by Harikeśa Swami, his German yātrā.
Hari-śauri: You printed in Africa?
Brahmānanda: Yes. And this is a magazine, Rudiwawumungu It means "Go back to God." Mungu is "God." That says: "Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa."
Upendra: They have letters explaining what each of the . . . beads means, tilaka, clothes—explanation down here, Śrīla Prabhupāda.
Brahmānanda: To distribute these books Cyavana Swami is having African devotees distribute them. He is organizing them. Cyavana Swami is good at organizing the Africans. But we are not able to distribute them for the cost, for what it cost to print.
Prabhupāda: It doesn't matter.
Brahmānanda: What is that?
Hari-śauri: Doesn't matter.
Brahmānanda: Doesn't matter. Yes. Therefore we have to get . . . I've asked at the BBT there is some fund, if we could set up some fund . . . we have published in the books that "This is donated to the people of Kenya by ISKCON Frankfurt, West Germany." So he is getting a good advertisement also, that he is sending money out of the country for welfare purposes. (break)
Hari-śauri: Prabhupāda's having a lot of mucus this morning.
Dr. Ghosh (of Kodaikanal): Not eating anything.
Hari-śauri: Only liquid. Some fruit juice and little glucose and grape juice, a little bit. Previously he was taking Complan as well.
Upendra: He had milk last night. The vaidya recommended milk. He had some milk last night, and this morning he had some orange juice. Then the mucus came, after orange juice.
Dr. Ghosh: When he went to London he was better?
Upendra: No.
Jayatīrtha: No. The first few days I think he was better.
Dr. Ghosh: When did he come back from London?
Hari-śauri: Thirteenth of September, it was about a month ago.
Bhakti-caru: Pray ek mash age. (Almost a month ago.)
Dr. Ghosh: No improvement. You went with him, no?
Bhakti-caru: No, I didn't go.
Dr. Ghosh: Bombay, you took. No improvement. But he was better here.
Bhakti-caru: What do you think?
Upendra: Yes he was better when he was last here.
Dr. Ghosh: Eating something.
Bhakti-caru: Little bit then.
Upendra: All right.
Dr. Ghosh: Does he ask for food?
Upendra: No
Dr. Ghosh: Never. You are giving nothing except coconut water and these Horlicks.
Bhakti-caru: Foler rosh. (Fruit juice.)
Dr. Ghosh: Foler rosh, liquid kichu den. (Fruit juice, give him something liquid.)
Hari-śauri: This is a record of what Prabhupāda's been taking the last few days.
Jayatīrtha: This is the, the cc's, the urine and the output-intake, what he was taking. (break)
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Jaya Śrīla Prabhupāda.
Prabhupāda: Did you send telegram to this doctor?
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Dr. Ghosh?
Prabhupāda: Yes.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Dr. Ghosh.
Hari-śauri: Is he . . . he's in the back? Prabhupāda's saying did you send a telegram.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: I sent him a letter, I think.
Prabhupāda: He is in Allahabad. He (the Dr. Ghosh present) is coming from Kodaikanal.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: No, we never sent him a telegram. Maybe someone else sent him a telegram, like, what's that boy? Ikṣvāku? I wouldn't be surprised if he might have done it.
Prabhupāda: Huh?
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: One of Haṁsadūta's men has been living . . . well, I have to speculate, because he's the only one who's . . . he's been living there. One of Haṁsadūta's men has been living in Kodaikanal with this Dr. Ghosh. Perhaps he . . . I'm saying perhaps. I don't know. I mean I had no contact with the man.
Prabhupāda: I said you don't ask him about anything.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Well, this Ikṣvāku is crazy. He's crazy. I can find out if that's how he found out, but I suspect that's what it is. He's very difficult, that devotee.
Hari-śauri: You'd better ask him how he came.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: I'll be able to find out. I can't . . . there's no other way he could have possibly come, except through Ikṣvāku.
Prabhupāda: Who is he?
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: This Ikṣvāku? He's a German devotee who has been living in Kodaikanal with Dr. Ghosh. He's a little crazy.
Abhirāma: Independent.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Very independent. I'm speculating. I'm going to have to investigate, but perhaps after coming here he sent Dr. Ghosh a telegram saying that your condition is very critical and that he should come. Because otherwise there's no possible way I could think of that Dr. Ghosh would have come here. No way. We have no communica . . . I would never communicate. We already had our business with him four or five months ago. Oh, yeah. We already rejected him.
Kīrtanānanda: Śrīla Prabhupāda? It's Kīrtanānanda. It seems that someone has to be in charge of your care. One day it's this allopath, one day this quack, that quack, but that's not good. I'd like to see you ask one of us— I'll be glad to do it; anyone—take charge of your care, and we can do the best we can. But just one thing, one thing . . .
Prabhupāda: But we have already asked Dr. Ghosh of Allahabad, but he has not come.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: No, he hasn't. We received a letter from him. I think he may have missed our letter, but he said that any correspondence should be sent to Allahabad and would be forwarded to him.
Prabhupāda: Hmm?
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: He said that any correspondence that we sent to him would be forwarded. But he hasn't come yet.
Prabhupāda: You can see that letter. He is qualified man.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: He suggests immediately that Prabhupāda go into a hospital.
Prabhupāda: Hmm?
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Dr. Ghosh's letter, you remember, he suggests that we immediately take you to that Bombay hospital.
Hari-śauri: He wanted to do that last March when he saw you there at Māyāpur.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: That was his opinion.
Prabhupāda: You can show him bile. Show him the bile. (end)
- 1977 - Conversations
- 1977 - Lectures and Conversations
- 1977 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- 1977-10 - Conversations and Letters
- Conversations - India
- Conversations - India, Vrndavana
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India, Vrndavana
- Conversations and Lectures with Bengali Snippets
- Conversations and Lectures with Hindi Snippets
- Conversations and Lectures with both Bengali and Hindi Snippets
- Audio Files 60.01 to 90.00 Minutes
- 1977 - New Audio - Released in July 2012