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740917 - Letter to Prabhas written from Vrndavana

File:740917 - Letter to Prabhas.JPG
Letter to Prabhas das

Krishna Balaram Mandir
Raman Reti, Vrindaban

Sriman Prabhas das Brahmachary
Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir
P.O. Sree Mayapur
Dist   Nadia, (West Bengal)
My Dear Prabhas das:
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter in Bengali. I request you to learn the doll making more perfectly, and when I shall go the the foreign countries by the month of April to New York, I will take you with me. In the meantime learn more perfectly the doll making. .
I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami