671212 - Letter to Prabhus from Unknown
December 12, 1967
Jai Prabhus,
Did you receive my letter? I haven't heard from the Boston center for some time. I am so proud of my godbrothers and sister for making such a success in Boston, it encourages me so much. There is a possibility of getting a huge palacial temple here in India and if we land it, it will be a big success and Swamiji is very enthused. He wants very much to have an American house and this see(m)s in our reach, it can accomodate 100 devotees easily. Brahmananda may visit here and he can look at the house and temple grounds, we could have a garden and raise a cow, a cow a real cow. I'll be returning to Vrindaban soon with Ramanuga and we'll meet Harivilas there. I have some big plans here and with some grace and energy I may be able to pull them off. I want to popularize our Guruji and Param guruji, Prabhupad to their rightful degree of recognition.