670915 - Letter to Jayagovinda written from Delhi

(Note from Achyutananda)
September 15 1967
My Dear Jaigovinda,
I understand that the draft board is also disturbing you. It is also disturbing to me, but we have no other recourse than Krishna. Do your best to serve Krishna and he will give you required intelligence to cope with disturbing situations. Kirtanananda is to return to NY soon and I will have to spend $600 somehow or other, so anyway Krishna will arrange.
NB It is expected that one gentleman Dr. Dalmia a prominent Indian businessman who is now touring in the U.S. may visit our temple in N.Y. and other centers. If he goes therefore, please try to receive him properly and inform him about our preaching work and our paintings and Lord Jagganath deity there, offer him some prasa..[text missing]
Jai Prabhus,
Vrindaban was everything the swamiji said it was. It was also everything Kirtanananda said it was, and it i also everything I say it is. The best Vaikuntha ima..[text missing] for Kali yuga. For those who reconsidering coming my only advice is to be prepared to rough it.
Achyutananda das
Your ever well-wisher,[handwritten]
Gargamuni, Bramananda
c/o ISKCON Inc. 26 2nd ave
New York 10003 N.Y.
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
P.O. Box 1846
Delhi 6
- 1967 - Letters
- 1967 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- 1967-09 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- Letters Written from - India
- Letters Written from - India, Delhi
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - India, Delhi
- Jayagovinda - Letters
- Letters Missing Pages or Text
- 1967 - Letters with Scans of the Originals
- 1967 - Letters with Scans of the Originals - checked
- Letters - SIC
- Letters - Signed, 1967
- Letters - With Added Handwriting