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670627 - Letter to Prabhus from Kirtanananda

Los Angeles,
July 27, 1967
From Kirtanananda


Dear Prabhus,

I am writing again today, but not with the same heart. Yesterday His Divine Grace developed a cough in the afternoon, which at the time I thought nothing of; but as the evening progressed, the cough got more persistent, and all night He got no rest. I tried to help Him several times during the night, but neither massage nor the pills which we had were effective. This morning when I touched His body it was ablaze; His temperature was over 103 and soon over 104, in which vicinity it has stayed all day. Several doctors (Ayur Vedic) were consulted, with the prescription of various teas, powders, potions and what not; meanwhile I myself had diagnosed it as pneumonia (due to the great difficulty in breathing, especially whenever He would lie down) and began giving some polycillin pills which we had brought. About noontime, one elderly Sikh gentleman who practices a version of the Western art came by with a large injection of penicillin. Just now He is sleeping quietly; something which He could not do before, so at least that is an improvement. I know you would like me to say straight out my opinion as to how he is, and that is not good. The outcome;as always, but now very apparently;is only in Krishna’s hands. Please chant HARE KRISHNA, for that is the only thing that can save Him. That is what saved Him before, and that can do it again. I know that His task is not yet complete, and by Krishna’s Mercy He can again be spared. Just keep chanting the HOLY NAME. That is at once the prescription and the remedy. It is so simple, and how often have we heard it still we are the greatest fools;we do not take it. It is not ritual that will save us;just Hare Krishna! As far as Mahariji’s condition is concerned what more can I say? That is in Krishna’s hands; but what we do, that is in our hands. There is a verse in the Bible that says “Not everyone that sayeth unto me Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven, but He that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven.” And again Christ said that those who loved Him were those who kept His commandments. Similarly, if we want to love Mahariji (and that is the same as learning to love Krishna) we must keep His teaching;every jot and tittle. Certainly that is the process and may He give us the Grace to follow. I request that you immediately (wait for night rates if you want) call the other centers and read this and the other letter to them (which I hope you receive at the same time.)

Just before getting sick, Swamiji requested that you send some stationery here so you could send a few sheets for now to the Vrindaban address in case we need it.

Will write more tomorrow. Also make a copy of these letters and mail them to the other centers.

His servant,
