670610 - Letter to Hayagriva written from New York

Telephone: 674-7428
Larry Bogart
James S. Greene
Carl Yeargans
Raphael Balsam
Robert Lefkowitz
Raymond Marais
Stanley Mogkowitz
Michael Grant
Harvey Cohen
10 June 1967
My Dear Hayagriva,
Please accept my blessings. Although I am practically on the path of death, still I cannot forget about my publications. I wish that if I live or die you should take very serious care for my publications. Immediately I want to send Geetopanishad to Japan for publication. The complete fair copy of Geetopanishad has to be submitted. I hope you have completed fair copies of at least seven chapters. The balance are typed from the dictaphone, and there does not appear to be any possibility of their being edited here, so I think you have to do it. After sending fair copies of what you have done already you will have to edit the dictaphone copies. The original verse (sanskrit) is to be taken from Dr. Radhakrishnan's edition, and the word to word English equivalent, as well as the translation and purport is to be found already on the dictaphone copies. The only thing you have to do is to place them properly and to make the complete fair copy.
I am thinking of going to San Francisco just after getting some strength, which I hope I will [handwritten] get by the end of the month; but in case I cannot go, you have to do it carefully, and send it to Japan. Please, therefore, let me know whether you'll do it. If you say yes, then I will send you the dictaphone copies for doing the needful. This will give me great relief, and I am expecting a reply as soon as possible.
- 1967 - Letters
- 1967 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- 1967-06 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- Letters Written from - USA
- Letters Written from - USA, New York
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - USA
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - USA, New York
- Hayagriva - Letters
- 1967 - Letters with Scans of the Originals
- 1967 - Letters with Scans of the Originals - checked
- Letters - Signed, 1967
- Letters - With Added Handwriting