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SB 9.2.34

Revision as of 08:41, 1 December 2017 by Vanibot (talk | contribs) (Vanibot #0018 edit: make synonym terms in Sanskrit italic in SB - Vanisource)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


hemacandraḥ sutas tasya
dhūmrākṣas tasya cātmajaḥ
tat-putrāt saṁyamād āsīt
kṛśāśvaḥ saha-devajaḥ


hemacandraḥ—was named Hemacandra; sutaḥ—the son; tasya—of him (Viśāla); dhūmrākṣaḥ—was named Dhūmrākṣa; tasya—of him (Hemacandra); ca—also; ātmajaḥ—the son; tat-putrāt—from the son of him (Dhūmrākṣa); saṁyamāt—from he who was named Saṁyama; āsīt—there was; kṛśāśvaḥ—Kṛśāśva; saha—along with; devajaḥ—Devaja.


The son of Viśāla was known as Hemacandra, his son was Dhūmrākṣa, and his son was Saṁyama, whose sons were Devaja and Kṛśāśva.

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