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SB 10.61.8-9

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


cārudeṣṇaḥ sudeṣṇaś ca
cārudehaś ca vīryavān
sucāruś cāruguptaś ca
bhadracārus tathāparaḥ
cārucandro vicāruś ca
cāruś ca daśamo hareḥ
pradyumna-pramukhā jātā
rukmiṇyāṁ nāvamāḥ pituḥ


cārudeṣṇaḥ sudeṣṇaḥ ca—Cārudeṣṇa and Sudeṣṇa; cārudehaḥ—Cārudeha; ca—and; vīrya-vān—powerful; sucāruḥ cāruguptaḥ ca—Sucāru and Cārugupta; bhadracāruḥ—Bhadracāru; tathā—also; aparaḥ—another; cārucandraḥ vicāraḥ ca—Cārucandra and Vicāru; cāraḥ—Cāru; ca—also; daśamaḥ—the tenth; hareḥ—by Lord Hari; pradyumna-pramukhāḥ—headed by Pradyumna; jātaḥ—begotten; rukmiṇyām—in Rukmiṇī; na—not; avamāḥ—inferior; pituḥ—to their father.


The first son of Queen Rukmiṇī was Pradyumna, and also born of her were Cārudeṣṇa, Sudeṣṇa and the powerful Cārudeha, along with Sucāru, Cārugupta, Bhadracāru, Cārucandra, Vicāru and Cāru, the tenth. None of these sons of Lord Hari was less than his father.

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