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CC Madhya 24.309 (1975)

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXT 309

"kṣetrajña ātmā puruṣaḥ
pradhānaṁ prakṛtiḥ striyām"


kṣetra-jñaḥ—the word kṣetrajña; ātmā—the living entity; puruṣaḥ—the enjoyer; pradhānam—the chief; prakṛtiḥ—the material nature; striyām—in the feminine gender.


" 'The word kṣetrajña refers to the living entity, the enjoyer, the chief and material nature.'


This is a quotation from the Svarga-varga (7) of the Amara-kośa dictionary.