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CC Madhya 15.51

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


ki kāya sannyāse mora, prema nija-dhana
ye-kāle sannyāsa kailuṅ, channa haila mana


ki kāya—what business; sannyāse—in the renounced order; mora—of Me; prema—love; nija-dhana—My real wealth; ye-kāle—at which time; sannyāsa kailuṅ—I accepted the renounced order; channa—deranged; haila—was; mana—mind.


“I had no business in accepting the renounced order and sacrificing My love for My mother, which is My real property. Actually I was in a crazy state of mind when I accepted sannyāsa.