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CC Madhya 15.211

Revision as of 15:36, 28 September 2021 by Kritika (talk | contribs)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXT 211

dugdha-tumbī, dugdha-kuṣmāṇḍa, vesara, lāphrā
mocā-ghaṇṭa, mocā-bhājā, vividha śākrā


dugdha-tumbī—squash cooked with milk; dugdha-kuṣmāṇḍa—pumpkin cooked with milk; vesara—a preparation made from chick-pea flour; lāphrā—a combination of several vegetables; mocā-ghaṇṭa—boiled banana flowers; mocā-bhājā—fried banana flowers; vividha—various; śākrā—vegetables.


There were preparations of dugdha-tumbī, dugdha-kuṣmāṇḍa, vesara, lāphrā, mocā-ghaṇṭa, mocā-bhājā and other vegetables.