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CC Madhya 1.223 (1975)

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXT 223

tathāpi yavana jāti, nā kari pratīti
tīrtha-yātrāya eta saṅghaṭṭa bhāla nahe rīti


tathāpi—still; yavana jāti—by caste a Muslim; nā—does not; kari—do; pratīti—confidence; tīrtha-yātrāya—in going for a pilgrimage; eta—so; saṅghaṭṭa—crowd; bhāla—good; nahe—not; rīti—etiquette.


"Although the King is respectful toward You, he still belongs to the yavana class and should not be believed. We think that there is no need for such a great crowd to accompany You on Your pilgrimage to Vṛndāvana.