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770205 - Letter to Yamuna written from Calcutta

Revision as of 15:43, 29 March 2008 by Acyuta (talk | contribs) (New page: {{LE_Header|{{PAGENAME}}}} Dear Yamuna, Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter of January 18, and studied the contents. The picture of your Radha Krishna deities is ve...)
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Dear Yamuna,

Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter of January 18, and studied the contents.

The picture of your Radha Krishna deities is very good. They appear to be like the Radha Govinda deities of Mullick Thakur which I used to see from my childhood.

Yes, go on with your program. Live a simple life. Take a little milk and food grains, chant Hare Krishna and worship Sri Sri Radha Krishna deity, that's all. That will make you perfect.

Hoping this finds you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Smte. Yamuna devi dasi

Sri Sri Radha Vanabehari Mandir

Murphy, Oregon 97533


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