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761214 - Letter to Gurukrpa written from Hyderabad

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My dear Gurukrpa,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 29 Nov. 1976.

Your proposal to purchase a new temple in Sydney is good. I remember the bay side, it is the best side. It's a very nice bay. It will certainly increase the preaching to have a center there.

I'm pleased to know the restaurant is again doing nicely. If palatable dishes are available people will certainly come. Srutakirti is a good boy. You can trust him. Cooperation must be there. It is a nice idea to sell prasadam at the beaches from a vehicle.

Now with Bhagavad-gita translated in Japanese our standing will be there. Let us sell Bhagavad-gita only in plain dress, we don't require saffron dress. Try to sell to the professors and at the school colleges as we are doing in other countries. Book distribution is our best preaching work. But, all our men must follow the regulative principles. That must not be neglected.

Please keep the money you have in the bank. I'm thinking of one temple in Bhuvaneśvara. It will be required later on. India is poor. Hawaii already has a building. A temple is required, but not very urgent. As it is convenient we can do it. Because our devotees are not allowed to enter Jagannatha's temple at Puri I'm thinking to build a duplicate temple at Bhuvaneśvara.

You are welcome to come to India. When you come we'll begin the Bhuvaneśvara temple by the 15th of January. They are also arranging a Kumba Mela camp in January. You'll enjoy that also.

We have got the land already in Bhuvaneśvara. I'm waiting for the plan and estimate. So keep the $160,000 for this purpose. Further developments I shall let you know. The Bhuvaneśvara address is as follows: Iskcon Center/ Nayapalli/ Bhuvaneśvara-12/ Orissa.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Template:LE Footer