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761005 - Letter to Brahmananda written from Vrndavana

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My dear Brahmananda,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 23rd Sept., 1976 and have noted the contents. I have just informed Tamala Krishna also, that Africans should not be allowed to live in the temple unless they are danger-proof. Of course you must preach but if you allow them to live you must be little careful—better not to allow. Chant and distribute prasada and let them come, take prasada and become practiced for Krishna consciousness. In suitable cases they can be 1st initiated but no 2nd for the time being.

Regarding land, yes, contact Ambarisa immediately and remind him that he wanted to invest some money. If he does that, that will be very nice, and I will give my sanction if he wants. You can purchase—that place is nice where Damji lives. (Ambarisa can be contacted through the Boston temple.) Mortgage is not to be done as the interest will be too high.

For members nowadays we are not giving books free. First when becoming the member they receive five large books, but after that they must pay for future books. If by distributing books you can collect some money for purchasing land, do it.

I was very much anxious for you, therefore Tamala went there. Now I am relieved that you are doing well. This year you must come to Mayapur.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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