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760930 - Letter to Vicitravirya written from Vrndavana

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Bhaktivedanta Manor

My dear Vicitravirya,

Please accept my blessings. With reference to your letter to Harikesa dated 14th inst., on your recommendation I am accepting the following disciples for first initiation.

Radha Krishna Pillay—Rama-Sarana Dasa

Gordon McMillan—Gaura-Nitai Dasa

Brian Daulby—Bhajanananda Dasa

Eamon Morton—Atmatma Dasa

Benedict Bygott-Webb—Bhagavad-bhakta Dasa

Gabriel Zajac—Giri-Govardhana Dasa

Tony Smullen—Tulasi-priya Dasa

Janet Pillay—Janaki Devi Dasi

Laureanne Mcmillan—Lal Gopala Devi Dasi

Hold a fire sacrifice and the disciples may receive their names at that time. Jayatirtha may chant on the beads and give them to the devotees. All initiates must chant minimum 16 rounds on the beads daily and very strictly follow the four regulative principles to insure progress in Krishna Consciousness.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


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