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760920 - Letter to Acyuta written from Vrndavana

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Sao Paulo, Brazil

My Dear Acyuta das,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 7, 1976 and the enclosed Magazine article. The article looks very nice and the pictures are very positively descriptive. Continue your nice preaching work there with great enthusiasm.

On your recommendation I am accepting the following disciples for first and second initiation.

First Initiation

Bhakta Ivan—Indrasena dasa

Bhaktin Dora—Dharma-patni dasi

Bhakta Manuel—Madhupati dasa

Bhakta Mozart—Madhava-priya dasa

Bhakta Ramacandra—Rangapuri dasa

Bhakta Luchie—Lilasuka dasa

Bhakta Paulo—Ananta-padmanabha dasa

Second Initiation

Paravyoma das brahmacari

Durasada dasa brahmacari

Mahayogisvara devi dasi

Madhusvara devi dasi

Please hold a fire sacrifice and the first initiated disciples may receive their names at that time while the brahmana initiates may hear the mantra through the right ear and receive the threads. Hrdayananda Maharaja may chant on the beads and give them to the devotees. All initiates must chant minimum 16 rounds on the beads daily and very strictly follow the four regulative principles to insure success on the path of spiritual progress of life. A brahmana must be clean by bathing and chanting daily. I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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