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SB 10.59.15

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


dṛṣṭvā sa-bhāryaṁ garuḍopari sthitaṁ
sūryopariṣṭāt sa-taḍid ghanaṁ yathā
kṛṣṇaṁ sa tasmai vyasṛjac chata-ghnīṁ
yodhāś ca sarve yugapac ca vivyadhuḥ


dṛṣṭvā—seeing; sa-bhāryam—with His wife; garuḍa-upari—upon Garuḍa; sthitam—sitting; sūrya—the sun; upariṣṭāt—higher than; sa-taḍit—with lightning; ghanam—a cloud; yathā—like; kṛṣṇam—Lord Kṛṣṇa; saḥ—he, Bhauma; tasmai—at Him; vyasṛjat—released; śata-ghnīm—Śataghnī (the name of his śakti spear); yodhāḥ—his soldiers; ca—and; sarve—all; yugapat—simultaneously; ca—and; vivyadhuḥ—attacked.


Lord Kṛṣṇa and His wife, mounted upon Garuḍa, looked like a cloud with lightning sitting above the sun. Seeing the Lord, Bhauma released his Śataghnī weapon at Him, whereupon all of Bhauma's soldiers simultaneously attacked with their weapons.

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