SB 10.42.26-27
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXTS 26-27
kaṁsas tu dhanuṣo bhaṅgaṁ
rakṣiṇāṁ sva-balasya ca
vadhaṁ niśamya govinda-
rāma-vikrīḍitaṁ param
dīrgha-prajāgaro bhīto
durnimittāni durmatiḥ
bahūny acaṣṭobhayathā
mṛtyor dautya-karāṇi ca
kaṁsaḥ—King Kaṁsa; tu—but; dhanuṣaḥ—of the bow; bhaṅgam—the breaking; rakṣiṇām—of the guards; sva—his; balasya—of the army; ca—and; vadham—the killing; niśamya—hearing of; govinda-rāma—of Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma; vikrīḍitam—the playing; param—merely; dīrgha—for a long time; prajāgaraḥ—remaining awake; bhītaḥ—afraid; durnimittāni—bad omens; durmatiḥ—the wicked-minded; bahūni—many; acaṣṭa—saw; ubhayathā—in both states (sleep and wakefulness); mṛtyoḥ—of death; dautya-karāṇi—the messengers; ca—and.
Wicked King Kaṁsa, on the other hand, was terrified, having heard how Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma had broken the bow and killed his guards and soldiers, all simply as a game. He remained awake for a long time, and both while awake and while dreaming he saw many bad omens, messengers of death.