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SB 10.39.36

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


yāvad ālakṣyate ketur
yāvad reṇū rathasya ca


yāvat—as long as; ālakṣyate—was visible; ketuḥ—the flag; yāvat—as long as; reṇuḥ—the dust; rathasya—of the chariot; ca—and; anuprasthāpita—sending after; ātmānaḥ—their minds; lekhyāni—painted figures; iva—like; upalakṣitāḥ—they appeared.


Sending their minds after Kṛṣṇa, the gopīs stood as motionless as figures in a painting. They remained there as long as the flag atop the chariot was visible, and even until they could no longer see the dust raised by the chariot wheels.

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