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SB 10.39.14

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


kāścit tat-kṛta-hṛt-tāpa
keśa-granthyaś ca kāścana


kāścit—some of them; tat—by that (hearing); kṛta—created; hṛt—in their hearts; tāpa—from the torment; śvāsa—by the sighing; mlāna—made pale; mukha—of their faces; śriyaḥ—the luster; sraṁsat—loosening; dukūla—their dresses; valaya—bracelets; keśa—in their hair; granthyaḥ—the knots; ca—and; kāścana—others.


Some gopīs felt so pained at heart that their faces turned pale from their heavy breathing. Others were so anguished that their dresses, bracelets and braids became loose.

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