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SB 10.27.12

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


mayedaṁ bhagavan goṣṭha-
ceṣṭitaṁ vihate yajñe
māninā tīvra-manyunā


mayā—by me; idam—this; bhagavan—O Lord; goṣṭha—of Your cowherd community; nāśāya—for the destruction; āsāra—by hard rain; vāyubhiḥ—and wind; ceṣṭitam—enacted; vihate—when it was disrupted; yajñe—my sacrifice; māninā—(by me) who was falsely proud; tīvra—fierce; manyunā—whose anger.


My dear Lord, when my sacrifice was disrupted I became fiercely angry because of false pride. Thus I tried to destroy Your cowherd community with severe rain and wind.

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