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SB 9.15.4

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


jahnos tu purus tasyātha
balākaś cātmajo 'jakaḥ
tataḥ kuśaḥ kuśasyāpi
kuśāmbus tanayo vasuḥ
kuśanābhaś ca catvāro
gādhir āsīt kuśāmbujaḥ


jahnoḥ—of Jahnu; tu—indeed; puruḥ—a son named Puru; tasya—of Puru; atha—thereafter; balākaḥ—a son named Balāka; ca—and; ātmajaḥ—Balāka's son; ajakaḥ—of the name Ajaka; tataḥ—thereafter; kuśaḥ—Kuśa; kuśasya—of Kuśa; api—then; kuśāmbuḥ—Kuśāmbu; tanayaḥ—Tanaya; vasuḥ—Vasu; kuśanābhaḥ—Kuśanābha; ca—and; catvāraḥ—four (sons); gādhiḥ—Gādhi; āsīt—there was; kuśāmbujaḥ—the son of Kuśāmbu.


The son of Jahnu was Puru, the son of Puru was Balāka, the son of Balāka was Ajaka, and the son of Ajaka was Kuśa. Kuśa had four sons, named Kuśāmbu, Tanaya, Vasu and Kuśanābha. The son of Kuśāmbu was Gādhi.

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